Thursday, September 30, 2010
Abbey Clancy Hairstyles
Here we have the sensationally stunning English model, Abbey Clancy, donning her trademark blonde hairstyle with thick visible dark roots. Checkout some pics below.This is a stunningly gorgeous middle parted style with lovely long layers and cute partial side bangs, which really compliments the entire hairstyle.Next we see a slightly more casual and shorter style, which would be appropriate for
Nicole Scherzinger Photos
Nicole Prescovia Elikolani Valiente Scherzinger (born June 29, 1978) is an American singer, songwriter, dancer and occasional actress who is best known as the lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Greatest Sports Movies in the History of the World (Part 1)
When I think of sports movies, I often times think of the absolutely atrocious ones first. Any Given Sunday, The Replacements, and Balboa are a few stink bombs that I can think of off the top of my head. I know if I spent a little more time on it however, the list would be far greater. The reason for this is that Hollywood is not composed of sports minded people. Think about it, how many athletes at your old high school were also the leads in the school play? How many of the movie industry’s leading men top 5’7 or weigh in over a buck seventy-five? How many of the best directors watch Pardon the Interruption on a daily basis? How many starlets could tell you the difference between a wide receiver and a tight end without thinking about what goes down in San Fernando Valley? I’m going to guess the answer to all those questions is somewhere between zero and very few. As a result, we have to suffer through movies like The Scout and Sunset Park in hopes that we find that rare needle in a haystack like Hoosiers.
All hope is not lost though. On rare occasions, someone strikes gold and restores our faith in the sports genre. In these instances, I am like a kid in a candy store because two of my favorite hobbies, sports and movies have perfectly combined into one. What follows is my take on the greatest sports movies of all time. It is supported by personal opinion, childish ramblings, and gratuitous use of not so good analogies. Box office numbers, script analysis, awards, film critic reviews, and other facts were not taken into account for fear of sounding biased. You’re Welcome.
10. Rudy
Good Despite Notre Dame Factor |
I can’t believe that I am putting this in my top ten due to my proclivity for hating everything about the Notre Dame mystique and for how much most Domers annoy me. Yet the story of Rudy, if you take the University of Notre Dame out of it and sub in say…………any other school, is a good one. An undersized, un-athletic, and unintelligent kid beats all odds to play (well, mostly run scout team) for one of the most storied college football programs of the 20th century. He does this through sheer guts, determination, and his magic hobbit powers (Wait no, that’s a different Sean Astin flick). In doing so, Rudy is able to inspire all white, 5’8, hundred and nothing linebackers, that their dreams of playing D1 college football could in fact be a reality for a solid thirty seconds, if they are able to get enough people to feel sorry for them and if they are willing to let their brains get beat in on a daily basis.
The Hollywood Factor: From what I heard, Dan Ruettiger was a typical, annoying, overbearing walk-on, who everyone on the team actually despised. Even Joe Montana (a key member of the team that Rudy played on), claimed that Rudy was considered a joke, as opposed to the inspirational figure that the movie makes him out to be. Hollywood decided to portray “Rudy” in a different light, but we all know what the real Rudiger must have been like. He is the guy who probably went one hundred and ten percent during half-speed walk-throughs to make the starters look bad. He is the type of guy who would dive after a ball that he had absolutely zero chance of getting (mainly because he is a half step too slow) in hopes of having some praise dropped on him from a coach or two. And he is most definitely the guy who wore Notre Dame Football gear EVERYWHERE he went both during his college years and forty years after so that everyone would know that he played for the Irish.
The Vaughn and Favreau angle: Without this movie, John Favreau and Vince Vaughn (who had a small role) may have never met and we would not have the privilege to see one the greatest comedies of all time, Swingers. We also may be without one of the most underrated comedies of all time, The Break-Up. Who knows, maybe without this chance meeting on set and without the success of Swingers, the career of Vaughn takes a completely different path, leaving him as a slightly coked up extra in LA as opposed to an extremely coked up leading man who gave us Old School and Wedding Crashers. Both the movie and narcotic industry just wouldn’t be the same without Rudy, and thus why it was able to sneak into the top ten.
If you like football, improved race relations, and thirty-year old actors playing high school kids, than this is the movie for you. Denzel Washington’s portrayal of Herman Boone is one of the greatest fake coaching performances in the history of the Cinema, just behind Gene Hackman in Hoosiers and the late James Gammon in Major League. Avon Barksdale (better known as Wood Harris), ranks right up there with Charlie Sheen for his performance as Julius on the “Wow, I bet that guy could actually play in real life” list for actors. An added plus to this movie is that I think most men who watched it at the time struggled mightily with their desire to be a prophetic versus their aversion to not wanting to sound like total creeps. Let me put that another way. I guarantee that if you watched this movie with a group of guys in 2001, the following conversation took place at least once.
Creep or Prophet #1: “I know this is going to sound weird, but in about ten years, Coach Yost’s daughter is going to be sooooooooooo hot.”
Creep or Prophet #2: “Dude, I was thinking the exact same thing, but thought you guys might think I was a pedophile if I said it out loud.”
Creep or Prophet #3: “Well, we still do think that, but the thought definitely crossed my mind as a well.”
As it turns out, the transformation of Hayden Panettiere from child star to Hollywood’s latest “it” girl in a matter of seven years, made all of you look like modern day Nostradamus’s. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that you still look like poor mans’ Roman Polanskis as well.
Struck by Lightning Twice?: The thing that always bothered me about Remember the Titans was the fate of star linebacker Gerry Bertier. Towards the end of the movie, Bertier gets hit by a car and is paralyzed from the waist down. You end up feeling absolutely sick to your stomach, even as his team rallies around him to win a state championship. Then, a bombshell is dropped on you in the “Where are they now?” portion of the credits. Not only was he paralyzed in high school from a car accident, but ten years later he was in another car accident and was killed by a drunk driver. Talk about a guy who couldn’t catch a break. That’s kind of like getting the chicken Pox twice or following up kidney disease with a dose of Pancreatic Cancer. Pretty sure he would have traded in that Virginia state football championship for a chance to walk again and surely for a chance to live again.
This is the ultimate guy cry movie. If you can honestly say that you did not shed a tear during this movie, then I can honestly say that you have no soul. Brian’s Song is the story of the relationship between the late Brian Piccolo and legendary Chicago Bears running back Gale Sayers. This movie does not get a whole lot of fanfare, but it definitely belongs in the Top Ten. If you have not seen it, I suggest you do so immediately. If there is one thing I know, it’s that I love Brian Piccolo, and after watching this movie, I’d like to think that all of you would love him too.
Am I Homer? I used to think that my affinity for Brian’s Song was due to my love for the Chicago Bears. That statement is partially true, because in all reality, they could have made a movie about the life of Bears punter Brad Maynard, staring Corey Feldman, and I probably would have thought it had Oscar potential (both for best picture and a best actor nod for Feldman). After I forced my college buddies who had never even heard of the movie to watch it though, I realized that my biases did not get in the way of my judgment. Their laughter, tears, and praise indicated to me that it was truly an upper echelon sports movie.
This movie taught us two things. One, we learned to love the phrases “Show me the money”, “You’re my ambassador of Kwan”, and “You had me at hello.” Two, we realized that Tom Cruise was not a complete wack job yet (yet being the operative word) and that he had at least another four years before completely falling off the deep end and earning that title. While technically, this movie doesn’t belong under the category of sports movie because let’s face it, it’s more of a love story with some sports mixed in. It is included on the list because of the true to life character that is Rod Tidwell. Cuba Gooding clearly did his research before filming, probably spending quality time with the likes of Randy Moss, Terrell Owens, Chad Johnson, or whoever their mid-nineties prima donna wide receiver equivalents were. Like Ocho Cinco of today’s real NFL, Tidwell was able to straddle the line of being hated and being adored better than anyone the real or pretend sports world has ever seen. While audiences hated everything that Rod stood for, they couldn’t help but pull for him and in the end, he finally gets rewarded and shown the money, leaving moviegoers walking away happy.
Who was the Casting Director? Ki-Jana Carter made the most famous “we thought this guy was going to end up being a whole lot better than he really was” cameos in the history of sports movies. While I understand that he was a big name at the time, the Matt Millen like foresight looks pretty funny watching the movie fourteen years later. It would be like seeing a guest appearance of twenty year old Tiger Woods on an re-run of 7th Heaven with Revrend Cambden trying to teach his kids the importance of family values or it could maybe reach the ironic status of your son or daughter watching a sixteen year old Brittney Spears speak about the importance of saying no to drugs in an outdated video that they saw in health class. Each of these, in hindsight, would pale in comparison to Ki-Jana being the poster boy for “star in the making” that he is made out to be in Jerry Maguire.
I pretty much enjoyed everything about this movie and thought it was both highly entertaining and educational. It falls under the My Cousin Vinny and Shawshank Redemption category of movies I can’t turn off if I see them on TV. Considering the fact that I think My Cousin Vinny is in the top five comedies of all time and Shawshank is a top five overall movie of all time, only ranking this movie number six on my list may seem a little low. However, my argument would be that movies 6 through 3 are somewhat interchangeable. Having to put them in order would be like Snoop trying to rank his favorite Hos or Drew Peterson trying to assign a grade to his best premeditated murder. It’s impossible. Therefore, League of Their Own comes in at number six for no other reason than it provided a perfect and unforced segue to a much needed and long overdue Drew Peterson joke.
IMDB flipped my world upside down: From 1992 until about 2006, I thought both Dotties (old and young) and both Kits (ditto) were played by Geena Davis and Lori Petty. I figured that they just had really good make up on to make them look old, because if you looked closely, they looked identical to the younger versions of themselves. When I discovered IMDB (International Movie Database), I was absolutely shocked to find out that older Dottie was played by actress Lynn Cartwright and older Kit was played by actress Kathleen Butler. Never before, during any other movie was there a similar situation in which I got duped in such a way. While earlier, I took a shot at the casting director for Jerry Maguire for their Ki-Jana Carter gaffe, the casting director of A League of Their Own should be rewarded and recognized for finding such great matches for Davis and Petty. What better way to do that, then give her (ELLEN LEWIS) a shout out on a world-renowned, globally read, and award winning blog like THE SOX MARKET. Congratulations Ellen, and thanks to IMDB for providing me with this little nugget of information and also for helping me find Ellen Lewis’s name.
Stay tuned for movies 5 through 1 next week and don’t be afraid to vote on your favorite sports movie in the poll to the right. If you are smart, you might be able figure out what will be in the top five. If you aren’t smart, I hope you continue to eagerly wait in anticipation.
IPod Bisa Untuk Nelepon & iPad Akan Dilengkapi Kamera
Apple iPod touch dengan fasilitas Wi-Fi kini dapat digunakan untuk menerima dan melakukan panggilan telepon. Sebuah perusahaan pengembang membuat sebuah aplikasi bernama Pinger yang memungkinkan pengguna menikmati layanan voice call, Pinger.
Selama ini, iPod touch dikenal sebagai perangkat yang seluruh fungsinya sama seperti iPhone, kecuali kemampuan untuk terhubung ke jaringan selular. Dengan layanan Wi-Fi, iPod dapat tersambung dengan jaringan selular melalui teknologi internet protocol (VoIP).
Untuk menggunakan Pinger, pengguna cukup mengunduh aplikasi tersebut di toko aplikasi Apple seharga 99 sen. Ketika aplikasi sudah ada di iPod touch, pengguna kemudian mengaktifkan layanan Wi-Fi dan dapat melakukan panggilan melalui VoiP selama 12 menit atau sekitar lima kali panggilan telepon.
"Ini sangat mudah sehingga tak terasa Anda sudah membayar untuk menelepon," kata co-founder Pinger, Joe Sipher. Dia menjelaskan, aplikasi ini ditargetkan mampu memikat pengguna iPod touch yang berusia sekitar 18 tahun. Sayangnya, aplikasi Pinger yang mendapatkan dukungan modal dari perusahaan Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers ini baru bisa dinikmati di Amerika Serikat.
Selain membuat Pinger, perusahaan itu juga pernah membuat aplikasi pesan singkat gratis atau Textfree. Di Toko Aplikasi Apple, Textfree telah diunduh 8 juta kali dan telah mengirimkan lebih dari 4 miliar teks melalui 1,7 juta nomor telepon.
iPad Generasi Kedua Dilengkapi Kamera
Prototipe Apple iPad generasi kedua diperkirakan tampil lebih ramping dari generasi sebelumnya, dengan layar seluas 7 inci, iPad model terbaru yang bakal diluncurkan akhir tahun ini juga dikabarkan dilengkapi fungsi kamera.
Analis teknologi informasi dari Goldman Sachs meyakini Apple sedang merancang sebuah prototipe iPad baru yang lebih tipis dengan fitur tambahan. Namun mereka memprediksi iPad generasi kedua itu memiliki luas layar yang sama seperti versi pertama, yakni 9,7 inci dan baru akan rilis pada Juni tahun depan.
"Tampilan layarnya sama seperti iPad yang sudah ada namun ini lebih tipis dan ringan," tulis analis Goldman Sachs, Henry King dan Kevin Lu. Menurut mereka, Apple akan menambahkan fitur built-in kamera untuk layanan panggilan video FaceTime dan drive mini USB.
Rumor lainnya seputar iPad yang beredar yaitu Apple akan menambahkan dock tambahan di sisi kiri komputer tablet tersebut dan melengkapinya dengan yang fungsinya masih misterius, bernama "Smart Bezel".
Tambahan port biasanya dibutuhkan pengguna iPad karena mereka sering mencolokkannya dengan perangkat lain. Sayangnya, belum ada yang tahu apa maksud disiapkannya fitur Smart Bezel. Dari sketsa prototipe iPad baru itu, diketahui fitur tersebut terletak di pojok kiri bawah iPad. Tak jelas apakah akan berfungsi sebagai tombol ekstra atau fungsi lainnya.
Goldman Sachs memperkirakan hingga akhir tahun ini, Apple telah menjual lebih dari 16 juta unit iPad sejak diluncurkan pada 27 Januari lalu. Separuh dari pemilik iPad menggunakan "papan tulis elektonik" itu untuk membaca koran, majalah, dan bermain game.
Selama ini, iPod touch dikenal sebagai perangkat yang seluruh fungsinya sama seperti iPhone, kecuali kemampuan untuk terhubung ke jaringan selular. Dengan layanan Wi-Fi, iPod dapat tersambung dengan jaringan selular melalui teknologi internet protocol (VoIP).
Untuk menggunakan Pinger, pengguna cukup mengunduh aplikasi tersebut di toko aplikasi Apple seharga 99 sen. Ketika aplikasi sudah ada di iPod touch, pengguna kemudian mengaktifkan layanan Wi-Fi dan dapat melakukan panggilan melalui VoiP selama 12 menit atau sekitar lima kali panggilan telepon.
"Ini sangat mudah sehingga tak terasa Anda sudah membayar untuk menelepon," kata co-founder Pinger, Joe Sipher. Dia menjelaskan, aplikasi ini ditargetkan mampu memikat pengguna iPod touch yang berusia sekitar 18 tahun. Sayangnya, aplikasi Pinger yang mendapatkan dukungan modal dari perusahaan Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers ini baru bisa dinikmati di Amerika Serikat.
Selain membuat Pinger, perusahaan itu juga pernah membuat aplikasi pesan singkat gratis atau Textfree. Di Toko Aplikasi Apple, Textfree telah diunduh 8 juta kali dan telah mengirimkan lebih dari 4 miliar teks melalui 1,7 juta nomor telepon.
iPad Generasi Kedua Dilengkapi Kamera
Prototipe Apple iPad generasi kedua diperkirakan tampil lebih ramping dari generasi sebelumnya, dengan layar seluas 7 inci, iPad model terbaru yang bakal diluncurkan akhir tahun ini juga dikabarkan dilengkapi fungsi kamera.
Analis teknologi informasi dari Goldman Sachs meyakini Apple sedang merancang sebuah prototipe iPad baru yang lebih tipis dengan fitur tambahan. Namun mereka memprediksi iPad generasi kedua itu memiliki luas layar yang sama seperti versi pertama, yakni 9,7 inci dan baru akan rilis pada Juni tahun depan.
"Tampilan layarnya sama seperti iPad yang sudah ada namun ini lebih tipis dan ringan," tulis analis Goldman Sachs, Henry King dan Kevin Lu. Menurut mereka, Apple akan menambahkan fitur built-in kamera untuk layanan panggilan video FaceTime dan drive mini USB.
Rumor lainnya seputar iPad yang beredar yaitu Apple akan menambahkan dock tambahan di sisi kiri komputer tablet tersebut dan melengkapinya dengan yang fungsinya masih misterius, bernama "Smart Bezel".
Tambahan port biasanya dibutuhkan pengguna iPad karena mereka sering mencolokkannya dengan perangkat lain. Sayangnya, belum ada yang tahu apa maksud disiapkannya fitur Smart Bezel. Dari sketsa prototipe iPad baru itu, diketahui fitur tersebut terletak di pojok kiri bawah iPad. Tak jelas apakah akan berfungsi sebagai tombol ekstra atau fungsi lainnya.
Goldman Sachs memperkirakan hingga akhir tahun ini, Apple telah menjual lebih dari 16 juta unit iPad sejak diluncurkan pada 27 Januari lalu. Separuh dari pemilik iPad menggunakan "papan tulis elektonik" itu untuk membaca koran, majalah, dan bermain game.
Katherine Heigl Blonde Hair
Katherine Heigl has made it quite clear that enjoys changing the color of her hair, a lot, however blonde seems to be her personal favorite, at the moment. Take a gander at some lovely blonde hairstyles worn by the beautiful actress.Here we have a dashing style that is appropriate for almost any glamorous occasion, including proms, red carpet events and fancy dinner dates. Flowing like an
MBF TrendTalk iPhone App Update!

After much acclaim, we decided to "up the ante" and give you a version "2.1" of our blog -- MBF TrendTalk.
So whether you already have version 1 or have not yet downloaded our app, click here to download the new and improved version of MBF TrendTalk so you can always keep up-to-date with the latest news of the fashion industry. With enhanced features like sharing a post via Twitter, Facebook, or by e-mail, it is an absolute must for fashion enthusiasts and professionals. And of course, -- it's gratis!
Considering we are based in New York City, the New York Times' "I Logo New York" submissions had us some good laughs. As readers from all over the world are invited to submit their own spin off of the iconic logo, the ideas vary from food, real estate, love, art, and technology. Take a look; it will be sure to give you a smile!
Considering we are based in New York City, the New York Times' "I Logo New York" submissions had us some good laughs. As readers from all over the world are invited to submit their own spin off of the iconic logo, the ideas vary from food, real estate, love, art, and technology. Take a look; it will be sure to give you a smile!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Belajar Teori Antrian Statistika Seru

Ada salah satu mata kuliah yang aku penasaran sejak di Statistika. Nama mata kuliahnya adalah TEORI ANTRIAN. Bener deh waktu pertama dengar sempat takjub, wow ngantri aja pakai teori ya. Juga itu yang membuatku semakin antusias mempelajari Statistika.
Dan di semesterku yang udah 5 ini, akupun memperoleh mata kuliah itu. Sekali lagi aku bener-bener antusias apa toh "Teori Antrian" ini. Secara, kalau udah mengerti kan bisa langsung diterapkan atau setidaknya direnungkan, ketika lagi ngantri di Bank, ATM, swalayan, rumah makan, dll. Kayaknya banyak banget deh penerapan dari Teori Antrian ini.
Ketika Selasa sore kemarin kami belajar mata kuliah Teori Antrian ini bener-bener puyeng alias pusing deh mendengarkan dosen menerangkan. Aduh, dah gak ada buku, pakai bahasa tinggi lagi. Untungnya sebelumnya di kos aku udah nyari-nyari referensi di internet. Yah setidaknya mirip dengan yang diterangkan pak dosen lah.
Jadi, tugas kami sebelumnya adalah disuruh nyari arti dari varibel di distribusi Erlang (a/b/c);(d;e;f). Untuk yang a dan b udah dikasih tahu apa. Sedangkan c,d,e, dan f harus kami cari sendiri. Alhasil aku udah mendekati benar lah. Tapi tetap aja emang belum ngerti hingga kuliah sore kemarin.
Ternyata arti notasi di distribusi tersebut adalah sbb:
a = 1. Distribusi jumlah kedatangan; 2. Distribusi waktu antar kedatangan
b = 1. Distribusi waktu pelayanan; 2. Distribusi jumlah keberangkatan (pelanggan) yang terlayani
c = Jumlah server
d = Disiplin pelayanan
e = Kapasitas sistem
f = Ukuran sumber pemanggilan
Kate Moss Blonde Hair
Kate Moss has been sporting beautiful blonde hairstyles for such a long time, we sometimes forget that her natural hair color is brunette. Give these pictures a whirl and checkout some of Kate's masterpieces.Above we see a very young Kate Moss, donning a casual yet stunningly long sleek hairstyle, before even getting her feet wet in the modeling industry. So young, so glamorous.This style is a
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Ada 3 pilihan neh:
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Ayo pilih yang mana? Bedanya jelas kalau lebih mahal lebih kenceng bos. Trus, kalau pikir-pikir mau langganan atau enggak ane saranin pikir sekali aja. Soalnya kalu dipikir-ipikir sehari hanya Rp1000 kita ngeluarin rata-rata. Nahlo, kalau ke warnet, boro-boro murah, baru ngidupin komputer aja udah bayar Rp1000.
Selamat Mencoba..
Bagi yang mau mencoba ayo ke aku bisa. Tapi dengan harapan +5rb buat ane yak?? hehe, ongkos info gitu...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Kate Beckinsale Blonde Hair
We've yet to see the beautiful actress, Kate Beckinsale, take the full plunge and completely dye her hair blonde, however she has given us a taste of how dazzling she looks with blonde highlights. And we like what we see!And here we see the stunning English film star while sporting a casual blonde updo hairstyle on set of the movie Fragments (Winged Creatures).
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Chip Triple Core GEnerasi Ponsel Masa DEpan
KAlau kita pikir bahwa chip prosesor dual core bagi ponsel pintar adalah yang paling mutakhir, itu salah. Bersiaplah menerima kejutan baru dari Marvell, ponsel pintar akan semakin pintar dengan otak triple core yang ditawarkannya.
Seperti dikutip dari techtree, Minggu (26/9/2010), Marvell telah memperkenalkan chip baru berbasis SoC (System on Chip) bagi ponsel pintar bernama Armada 628. Dengan chip triple core-nya itu, prosesor ponsel pun mampu ngebut dengan kecepatan 1,5 Ghz.
Prosesor ini berjalan pada infrastruktur ARM v7 serta Cortex A9 MPCore. Dengan keunggulannya ini, prosesor ini konon mampu memainkan dua jenis video beresolusi 1080p secara simultan, serta melakukan video streaming tiga dimensi 3D.
Armada 628 dikatakan memiliki kekuatan yang memungkinakn daya tahan baterai ponsel mencapai 10 jam dalam sekali charging, saat digunakan untu memutar video HD. Selain itu saat digunakan untuk memutar musik, ponsel yang menggunakan Armada mampu bertahan selama 140 jam. Diharapkan chip Armada 628 sudah bisa hadir mulai tahun depan bagi ponsel pintar dan tablet.
Seperti dikutip dari techtree, Minggu (26/9/2010), Marvell telah memperkenalkan chip baru berbasis SoC (System on Chip) bagi ponsel pintar bernama Armada 628. Dengan chip triple core-nya itu, prosesor ponsel pun mampu ngebut dengan kecepatan 1,5 Ghz.
Prosesor ini berjalan pada infrastruktur ARM v7 serta Cortex A9 MPCore. Dengan keunggulannya ini, prosesor ini konon mampu memainkan dua jenis video beresolusi 1080p secara simultan, serta melakukan video streaming tiga dimensi 3D.
Armada 628 dikatakan memiliki kekuatan yang memungkinakn daya tahan baterai ponsel mencapai 10 jam dalam sekali charging, saat digunakan untu memutar video HD. Selain itu saat digunakan untuk memutar musik, ponsel yang menggunakan Armada mampu bertahan selama 140 jam. Diharapkan chip Armada 628 sudah bisa hadir mulai tahun depan bagi ponsel pintar dan tablet.
Friday, September 24, 2010
College Football Blows
Most sports fanatics are in heaven every Saturday during the months of September to early January. Starting with an 11:00 am SEC clash pitting Arkansas vs. Georgia and ending with a late-night Stanford-Wake Forest west coast shootout, college football took over the lives of millions of Americans last weekend, as it does on most weekends during the intercollegiate season. Whether it be because of alma mater pride, an unresolved gambling addiction, the party atmosphere, or simply the love for the game, stadiums were sold out, bars were packed, and couches were occupied all across the country to watch a bunch of “college” kids battle it out on the gridiron. I on the other hand, chose to pass, like I do on most weekends, because quite frankly, college football simply doesn’t do it for me.
Don't get the Angelina Craze |
Does that make me less of a sports fan? Maybe, but I’d argue that it speaks more to my selectivity and picky nature than my reputation as a sports enthusiast. While most full-blooded American straight males between the ages of 0 and 100 are highly attracted to someone like Angelina Jolie, I can’t get over her awful tattoos, mediocre face, and her overall creepiness. Even her phenomenal body can’t overcome her imperfections that permeate my thoughts every time I see her on the cover of US weekly with Shiloh, Maddox, Pax and the rest of her crew (By the way, I think we can all agree that her choice of names does little to help her on the creepiness front). Similarly, while there are definitely some attributes of college football that I find appealing, I simply can’t bring myself to watch it because of all the inherent flaws that ruin it for me. Just like your Billy-Bobs and Brads of the world have been blinded by Jolie’s assets, college football fans are lost in their own sport’s paradise. Luckily, I’m here to help them learn the error in their ways and get them to realize that they could be doing much more productive things with their Saturdays.
Don’t get me wrong, I love pro football. Each Sunday, I am glued to the TV set to watch my beloved Bears and coach up my fantasy roster to the best of my ability. It’s probably my third favorite sport to watch, just behind pro baseball and college basketball (In case you were interested, here is my list: MLB, college basketball, NFL, NBA, NHL, ATP, PGA, college baseball, FIFA Worldcup, PBA, Gymnastics, college football). So for those of you who thought my beef with college football was based on a lack of interest in the sport itself, you just got got to the degree of Wallace in Season 1 of The Wire
(By the way, if you have not already done so, you should watch every episode of The Wire. If you are disappointed, contact me, and I will write you a 3-page personal letter of apology).
The Gator Mugshot |
One of the biggest reasons that I hate college football is because of the lack of name to face recognition of the players. Of course most of the Heisman candidates are recognizable by casual fans, but for the most part, an overwhelming majority of the other guys couldn’t be picked out of a police line-up. Unless, you are a Florida Gator, in which case, you’ve proven yourself to be easily identifiable in a police line-up. For all the other non-delinquent “student-athletes” however, you’re hidden by the tool that is meant to protect you the most, but serves more to shield you from society; your helmet. While college basketball fans could identify the location of Kyle Singler’s latest pimple or which team leads the nation in total squiggly lines in their hair, the only way you’re going to be able to differentiate between a linebacker from Tennessee and a tight end from Nebraska is by their name and stat line. It’d be like if Hollywood was strictly in the business of producing animated features. What would separate Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, and Penelope Cruz from the likes of say…………Kathy Bates or Queen Latifah? Nothing would, besides skill, talent, and the quality of their voices. What fun is that? I want recognizable faces in my actresses, just like my athletes. College football doesn’t give me that.
Another thing that I find less than appealing about college football is the playoff system. While millions of other people complain about the BCS, they still continue to watch. I, on the other hand, have chosen to boycott it all together in hopes that I can have a Rosa Parks-like ripple effect on the BCS. Problem is, people cared about the Civil Rights movement and what her decision stood for. My plea will fall on deaf ears, as the NCAA will be unable to hear my voice due to it being drowned out by the CUH-CHING of their cash registers. Nonetheless, their system still sucks and I will continue to write about it and hope that the millions and millions of followers that THE SOX MARKET has accumulated by the year 2020 will march on NCAA headquarters and demand a playoff system.
Pop Quiz time. What do figure skating, gymnastics, diving, and college football have in common? They let judges and voters decide which athletes or teams are crowned champion of their respective sports. This is fine for figure skating, gymnastics, and diving because the nature of the sport does not allow you to compete head to head, so a judge is the only way to determine winners and losers. In college football however, the opportunity to compete head to head is available, therefore using voters to decide your national championship game is luda (short for Ludacris for those not up on hip-hop culture). Instead of taking the logical step to do what is right, smart, and fair, the NCAA would rather take the money and run. When you think about it that is kind of like when a young, good looking, and talented model marries an old, ugly, wife-beating billionaire. Sure, the money and fame must certainly be appealing for the woman, but the bruises, black eyes, and general contempt that she must have for both his looks and personality should be enough to sway her towards divorce. Yet for some reason, even though everyone in her life is telling her otherwise, she stays with the guy. Just like the NCAA sticking with the current system, she sticks with guy because the cash flow is too appealing. I mean, the guy is bound to die sometime right? If only the BCS was like the gift of life, which ultimately results in death, then I might be more willing to watch things play out. But college football seems more Hindu-istic (not a word, but you get the meaning) in its approach. When one bad idea dies, it reincarnates into something worse. By the year 2046, the powers that be, may go with an American Idol audience voting system to decide who will face a 52-year-old Justin Bieber (Pop Singer turned football coach)-led Crimson Tide team in the Twitter/Facebook/Google/Apple Orange Bowl National Championship Game.
Finally, the third thing that I don’t like about college football is the façade given off that the guys playing on Saturday are student-athletes representing their schools. Come on. Even the guys who go to school with the intent of getting a quality education quickly learn from their coaches and time-consuming practice schedules that they are there to do one thing and one thing only, play football. Instead of all the shadiness by coaches, street agents, and boosters paying guys under the table, why don’t we just call it what it is, minor league football, and start treating the guys like professionals? Hell, I wouldn’t even mind if you gave guys diplomas, in the major of their choice, for their services on the field (We all know that in today’s economy, a college degree is equivalent to a high school degree ten years ago, so what harm could be done?) Please though, don’t insult my intelligence by displaying the words student-athlete in the college football handbook. In college football, those words go together about as well as Tom Cruise-heterosexual. If you had anything in there though, I’d prefer it to say ATHLETE-student. That would give anyone who read it a more realistic view of who they are watching every weekend.
What about college basketball you may ask? Wouldn’t this argument make me not like that as well? No, because the awesomeness of filling out a bracket each year and watching the greatest sporting event on earth for three weeks in March causes me to overlook this minor setback. Similarly, if college football got rid of the BCS and created a playoff system that Brent Musburger dubbed December Delirium, I’d be like a jury member at the OJ trial
who would easily overlook the student-athlete argument due to a well played tournament-card by the defense.
Until then, college football will have no appeal to me and I will continually find negatives to keep me away. While it is a simple solution, I don’t see college football going to a tournament format anytime soon. Year after year, there will be undefeated teams who never get a chance to say their number one. The best team in January may be playing in the Outback bowl, while another team who peaked mid-season walks away with all the hardware. And I’ll be there to witness none of it, because I refuse to watch sports that let judges and voters decide who get to call themselves the best. If I wanted to see something like that, I’d rather watch Dancing with Stars
. At least I could live with Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli, and America deciding the champion of that, but I can’t live with the BCS screwing up year after year. If I want to watch football, I'll do it on Sundays.
Yuko Ogura Feet
Yuko Ogura feet pictures, Yuko Ogura legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yuko Ogura is a cute Japanese model and singer, perhaps best known for her song entitled Onna no Ko.
Yuko Ogura Feet
Yuko Ogura feet pictures, Yuko Ogura legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yuko Ogura is a cute Japanese model and singer, perhaps best known for her song entitled Onna no Ko.
Yvette Mimieux Feet
Yvette Mimieux feet pictures, Yvette Mimieux legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yvette Mimieux is a charming American movie and television actress, known for her role in the movie The Time Machine and Diamond Head.
Yvette Mimieux Feet
Yvette Mimieux feet pictures, Yvette Mimieux legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yvette Mimieux is a charming American movie and television actress, known for her role in the movie The Time Machine and Diamond Head.
Yvonne Craig Feet
Yvonne Craig feet pictures, Yvonne Craig legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yvonne Craig is a fantastic American actress, best known for her work on the 1960s Batman television series.
Yvonne Craig Feet
Yvonne Craig feet pictures, Yvonne Craig legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yvonne Craig is a fantastic American actress, best known for her work on the 1960s Batman television series.
Jessica Simpson Blonde Hair
Here we see Jessica Simpson sporting her trademark golden blonde locks, showcased in three dazzling hairstyles, all of which are of the long flowing variety.I honestly can't think of another naturally brunette actress/singer, who can pull off a blonde hairstyle and look as fabulous as Jessica Simpson.And while she does look exceptionally sassy with blonde hair, its gotta be a hassle to maintain
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Yukie Kawamura Feet
Yukie Kawamura feet pictures, Yukie Kawamura legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yukie Kawamura is a cute Japanese tarento and actress, featured in the movie Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl and Creepy Hide and Seek.
Yukie Kawamura Feet
Yukie Kawamura feet pictures, Yukie Kawamura legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yukie Kawamura is a cute Japanese tarento and actress, featured in the movie Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl and Creepy Hide and Seek.
Jessica Biel Blonde Hair
Jessica Biel has proven that shes got what it takes to pull off the blonde look and remain stunning as ever. Just checkout this little picture gallery of various blonde hairstyles worn by Jessica Biel, including the updo, ponytail with bangs and long flowing styles.Its actually been awhile since we've seen Jessica sport the blonde hairstyle, and to be quite honest, we kinda miss it...Long and
Apple Akan Produksi iPhone CDMA ?
Apple akan segera memproduksi iPhone 4 CDMA pada Desember 2010 mendatang. Rumor yang beredar menyebutkan vendor asal Amerika Serikat tersebut akan memproduksi sekira tiga juta unit iPhone4 yang akan diluncurkan pada 2011 mendatang.
Spekulasi pertama diungkapkan oleh analis dari Susquehanna Financial Group, Jeffrey Fidacaro seperti dilansir Slashgear, Kamis (23/9/2010). iPhone 4 CDMA ini akan dibanderol sekira USD320. Jika kabar ini benar maka pasar iPhone untuk operator AT&T akan tergerus sekira 23 persen. Banyak pelanggan yang akan pindah ke operator telekomunikasi berbasis CDMA, Verizon.
Selama ini, smartphone iPhone buatan Apple hanya bekerja untuk jaringan GSM. Namun, mulai awal tahun depan, ada kamungkinan pengguna jaringan Code Division Multiple Access / CDMA juga bisa menggunakan iPhone.
Bloomberg melansir Apple akan menggandeng Verizon sebagai mitra operator iPhone di AS pada Januari 2010. Kabar tersebut mengejutkan mengingat verizon adalah operator CDMA bukan GSM seperti AT&T yang menjadi mitra eksklusif Apple saat ini. Menurut sumber yang dilansir, iPhone untuk CDMA akan dirilis Januari 2011.
Sebelumnya, the Wall Street Journal melaporkan Apple mengembangkan dua tipe produk smartphone pada Maret lalu. Satui produk diyakini iPhone 4 yang baru saja dirilis dan satu produk lainnya iPhone untuk CDMA yang akan bekerja di jaringan Verizon.
Disebutkan, proses produksinya kemungkinan baru akan dimulai September 2010. Ini dikuatkan sumber lain yang dilansir media Taiwan, Digi Times, menyebut iPhone versi CDMA akan dirakit di kuartal keempat. Komponen hardware-nya sudah mulai diproduksi di salah satu pabrik pegatron di Shanghai, China. Untuk tahap awal, Apple akan membuat sekitar 3 juta unit iPhone CDMA hingga Desember mendatang dan mulai memasarkan produk ini pada awal 2011.
Jika benar, AT&T bakal tidak lagi menjadi mitra eksklusif iPhone. Sejak dirilis pertama kali tahun 2007, Apple menjalin kerja sama khusus dengan operator GSM tersebut dan menjadikannya mitra eksklusif. Hal ini juga menjadi kabar baik buat pengguan CDMA di seluruh dunia. Kabar dibuatnya iPhone CDMA ini lantaran para pengguna Apple iPhone ingin "keluar" dari operator AT&T yang sejak awal sudah dipadukan dengan ponsel tersebut. "Pengguna iPhone berharap mereka bisa menggunakan jasa operator selain AT & T," tulis sebuah survey.
Spekulasi pertama diungkapkan oleh analis dari Susquehanna Financial Group, Jeffrey Fidacaro seperti dilansir Slashgear, Kamis (23/9/2010). iPhone 4 CDMA ini akan dibanderol sekira USD320. Jika kabar ini benar maka pasar iPhone untuk operator AT&T akan tergerus sekira 23 persen. Banyak pelanggan yang akan pindah ke operator telekomunikasi berbasis CDMA, Verizon.
Selama ini, smartphone iPhone buatan Apple hanya bekerja untuk jaringan GSM. Namun, mulai awal tahun depan, ada kamungkinan pengguna jaringan Code Division Multiple Access / CDMA juga bisa menggunakan iPhone.
Bloomberg melansir Apple akan menggandeng Verizon sebagai mitra operator iPhone di AS pada Januari 2010. Kabar tersebut mengejutkan mengingat verizon adalah operator CDMA bukan GSM seperti AT&T yang menjadi mitra eksklusif Apple saat ini. Menurut sumber yang dilansir, iPhone untuk CDMA akan dirilis Januari 2011.
Sebelumnya, the Wall Street Journal melaporkan Apple mengembangkan dua tipe produk smartphone pada Maret lalu. Satui produk diyakini iPhone 4 yang baru saja dirilis dan satu produk lainnya iPhone untuk CDMA yang akan bekerja di jaringan Verizon.
Disebutkan, proses produksinya kemungkinan baru akan dimulai September 2010. Ini dikuatkan sumber lain yang dilansir media Taiwan, Digi Times, menyebut iPhone versi CDMA akan dirakit di kuartal keempat. Komponen hardware-nya sudah mulai diproduksi di salah satu pabrik pegatron di Shanghai, China. Untuk tahap awal, Apple akan membuat sekitar 3 juta unit iPhone CDMA hingga Desember mendatang dan mulai memasarkan produk ini pada awal 2011.
Jika benar, AT&T bakal tidak lagi menjadi mitra eksklusif iPhone. Sejak dirilis pertama kali tahun 2007, Apple menjalin kerja sama khusus dengan operator GSM tersebut dan menjadikannya mitra eksklusif. Hal ini juga menjadi kabar baik buat pengguan CDMA di seluruh dunia. Kabar dibuatnya iPhone CDMA ini lantaran para pengguna Apple iPhone ingin "keluar" dari operator AT&T yang sejak awal sudah dipadukan dengan ponsel tersebut. "Pengguna iPhone berharap mereka bisa menggunakan jasa operator selain AT & T," tulis sebuah survey.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Jessica Alba Blonde Hair
As if Jessica Alba didn't already look sensational enough with her gorgeous natural brunette hair color, she has left of speechless with her array of dazzling blonde hairstyles.Long flowing, sleek straight and the short bob are just a few of the hairstyles we've seen Jessica Alba don, while rocking beautiful blonde locks.
Jennifer Love Hewitt Blonde Hair
American actress Jennifer Love Hewitt looking dazzling as ever with a sensationally beautiful long sandy brown with hints of blonde hairstyle.
Pratigya Singh Photos
Pooja Gaur was born on 1st June 1991, (Hindi: पूजा गौड़) is an Indian television actress.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Yui Aragaki Feet
Yui Aragaki feet pictures, Yui Aragaki legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yui Aragaki is a fabulous Japanese model, actress and singer, featured in the movie My Boss My Hero and Code Blue.
Yui Aragaki Feet
Yui Aragaki feet pictures, Yui Aragaki legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yui Aragaki is a fabulous Japanese model, actress and singer, featured in the movie My Boss My Hero and Code Blue.
Yumi Sugimoto Feet
Yumi Sugimoto feet pictures, Yumi Sugimoto legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yumi Sugimoto is a stunning Japanese model, actress and singer, her debut album is entitled Harukoi Hana Taipu.
Yumi Sugimoto Feet
Yumi Sugimoto feet pictures, Yumi Sugimoto legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yumi Sugimoto is a stunning Japanese model, actress and singer, her debut album is entitled Harukoi Hana Taipu.
Yukta Mookhey Feet
Yukta Mookhey feet pictures, Yukta Mookhey legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yukta Mookhey is a dazzling Indian model and actress, perhaps best known for being crowned miss world 1999.
Yukta Mookhey Feet
Yukta Mookhey feet pictures, Yukta Mookhey legs, toes, barefoot and shoes.Yukta Mookhey is a dazzling Indian model and actress, perhaps best known for being crowned miss world 1999.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Kegiatan Besar MIPA FAIR 2010 Dengan Tema "Art of Science"

Konsep yang diusung beberapa tahun yang lalu, kini mulai diangkat dalam program kerja salah satu kementrian DAGRI BEM FMIPA UNDIP periode 2010 “Keluarga Harmonis”.
Bertemakan “Art of Science” MIPA FAIR 2010 , mengikut sertakan seluruh lembaga yang ada di Fakultas MIPA dari HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan) sampai UPK(Unit Pelaksana Kegiatan) dan juga didukung oleh jajaran Birokrasi.
Fair yang satu ini bawakan dengan nuansa kental ‘scientist’ dan untuk regionalnya ditataran Semarang dengan sasaran murid SMA, mahasiswa dan umum.
Nah untuk acaranya panitia MIPA FAIR 2010 mempunyai kegiatan-kegiatan berikut ini:
Semarang MIPA’s tournament
Disini ada beberapa event yaitu:
1. MPBC competition ( Math, Physics, Chemistry, Bio competition)
lomba ini ditujukan untuk siswa SMA se-Semarang.
2. Blogging Contest
Yang satu ini kita buat untuk siswa sma maupun mahasiswa dengan maksud peningkatan dan peminatan siswa ataupun mahasiswa dalam salah satu media Informasi dalam Teknologi yang kini menjadi kebutuhan vital sehari-hari.
3. Graphics design
Dalam rangka meningkatkan Kreativitas dalam berkarya maka Graphics design menjadi salah satu stimulus yang diselenggarakan oleh panitia.
Open house MIPA
Open House berisi tentang seluk beluk Mipa dari mulai organisasi sampai lembaga keilmiahan Mahasiswa yang pastinya juga memiliki karya yang luar biasa di BLOW UP di Open House ini . Nah, bagi siswa SMA yang dalam beberapa tahun lagi meneruskan studi pendidikannya ini adalah salah satu hal yang akan menginspirasikan teman-teman dan memotivasi semangat belajar teman-teman.
Stadium General
Stadium General ditujukkan bagi mahasiswa baru ataupun lama dengan tema motivasi yang harapannya dengan ini akan menciptakkan nuansa pembelajar dengan semangat belajar yang membara.
Konsep MIPA FAIR 2010 ini dibuat dalam jangka waktu yang panjang,,ditambah dengan proses pelobian lembaga yang hasilnya luar biasa sambutannya, sampai Ketua Dies Natalis Bapak Heri Sutanto yang memberikkan apresiasi luar biasa kepada panitia MIPA FAIR.. Alhamdulillah, berkat kinerja yang luar biasa dari panitia segala target yang harus dicapai dapat terpenuhi. Maju dunia pendidikan, hidup rakyat Indonesia.!
MBF Exclusive: Future of Fashion Video
Earlier this month we were invited to speak at "Take 5ive" a monthly event -- hosted in NYC by WIN-Initiative -- which brings together professionals from various creative industries.
This month’s event was hosted by Take 5ive’s Hans Neleman; Chrissy Reilly emceed a packed Win Headquaters.
Manuela Fassbender, creative director was one of 10 guest speakers.
Each speaker is given 5 minutes to discuss any topic of their choosing.
This evening's selection of speakers was organized by social media marketing & business trending specialist, Karen D'Silva.
Speakers came from diverse industries -- from photography to beer brewing.
This month’s event was hosted by Take 5ive’s Hans Neleman; Chrissy Reilly emceed a packed Win Headquaters.
Manuela Fassbender, creative director was one of 10 guest speakers.
Each speaker is given 5 minutes to discuss any topic of their choosing.
This evening's selection of speakers was organized by social media marketing & business trending specialist, Karen D'Silva.
Speakers came from diverse industries -- from photography to beer brewing.
They included:
Stanislava Georgieva, photographer
Stanislava Georgieva, photographer
Karen D'Silva of Karen D'Silva Creative Services
Jerry Tavin, Young Photographers Alliance
Andy Katz, photographer
Jerry Tavin, Young Photographers Alliance
Andy Katz, photographer
See what Manuela presented here...
About Take 5ive
Take5ive brings together leaders in the creative industry in a forum of sorts. Typically, 10 speakers are split between artists and creative professionals. Past guest speakers have included creative consultant Stella Kramer and Allegra Wilde,tech people Dripbook founder Alex Wright as well as app developers and representatives from Adorama and Sony. Artists participating are split between commercial and fine art.
Take5ive brings together leaders in the creative industry in a forum of sorts. Typically, 10 speakers are split between artists and creative professionals. Past guest speakers have included creative consultant Stella Kramer and Allegra Wilde,tech people Dripbook founder Alex Wright as well as app developers and representatives from Adorama and Sony. Artists participating are split between commercial and fine art.
Hina Khan Photos
Hina Khan (born in Srinagar, India on 2 October 1987) is an Indian actress and singer of Kashmiri ethnicity.
Diariku Di Hari Pertama Kuliah Semester 5, 20 September 2010

Hari ini aku pertama masuk kuliah setelah libur panjangku semester 4 kemarin. Wah asyiknya bersama dan bercanda tawa dengan teman kuliah lagi. Pagi hingga siang aku ada kuliah. Sedangkan sorenya kuluangkan waktu untuk menghadiri pertemuan temen-temen di BEM. Duh cerianya aku hari ini sudah berbeda menurutku dari beberapa hari sebelumnya yang kurang semangat sekali.
Cuman satu kesanku di hari ini. Aku kenapa ya merasa seperti dah lamaaaaaaaaaa banget gak ketemu mereka. Terasa libur kemarin lama sekali. Bahkan ketika baru menghirup udara Semarang 2 dan 3 hari lalu aku seperti kembali baru lagi. Jadi kayak istilah seperti bayi yang baru dilahirakan donk. Padahal sama panjang kayak liburan-liburan sebelumnya yaitu minimal satu bulan. Tetapi sekali lagi liburan kemarin terasa beda. Tak tahu kenapa.
Aku merasa liburan kemarin berbagai hal sudah kulakukan. Bahkan aku menyebut liburan kemarin sebagai liburan yang memuaskan. Karena alhamdulillah di Pangkalanbun aku bahagia. Bahkan kusebutkan bahwa bisa jadi 2 tahun ke depan rasanya tidak perlu pulang ke Pangkalanbun.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Smartphone HTC yang Terbaru
HTC Corp mengumumkan, Kamis, memperkenalkan dua handset terbaru yang menggunakan sistem operasi Google Android demi mendorong sektor jasa mobile perusahaan itu.
Peluncuran itu hanya sehari setelah Nokia, pembuat ponsel terbesar dunia, meluncurkan tiga ponsel pintar terbaru pada konferensi tahunan di London. Perusahaan berbasis di Taiwan yang juga menggunakan sistem operasi Windows dari Microsoft pada ponsel itu kini tengah berjuang menempati posisi pembuat ponsel pintar keempat terbesar dunia, menghadapi pembuat ponsel yang jauh lebih besar, Samsung Electronics.
Seperti kebanyakan pembuat ponsel, HTC sangat memokuskan perhatian pada pengembangan perangkat keras, tampak tidak mempedulikan meningkatnya fokus perhatian industri handset dalam penyediaan layanan online mobile dan perangkat lunak.
"Kami senang bisa mempersembahkan pengalaman HTC Sense dalam ponsel pada semua level baru dengan serangkaian layanan HTC yang terkoneksi," kata Chief Executive Peter Chou dalam sebuah pernyataan.
Tawaran layanan HTC tanpa biaya tambahan pada Android dan ponsel Windows ini memungkinkan pengguna selpon menikmati layanan Internet sekaligus mengarsip konten utama dari telepon.
Lewat produk ini, konsumen dapat mengirimkan teks dari komputernya dan melacak atau menghapus data dari ponsel mereka yang hilang.
"Saya pikir itu merupakan langkah yang menarik tetapi saya duga ini membuat kesal Google lantaran menawarkan alternatif untuk layanan seperti peta," kata analis Gartner, Carolina Milanesi.
Penawaran peta HTC yang dibuat bersama dengan perusahaan perangkat lunak navigasi Route 66, memungkinkan data peta diunduh ke dalam ponsel sehingga memotong biaya transfer data yang mesti dikeluarkan konsumen.
Handset baru
HTC yang juga meluncurkan ponsel terbaru HTC Desire HD dan HTC Desire Z dalam sebuah acara media di London, mengatakan bahwa mereka akan mulai menjual pada masa liburan di kuartal keempat tahun ini.
Model teratas HTC Desire HD menggunakan prosesor Snapdragon dari Qualcomm serta dilengkapi dengan kamera 8 megapiksel dan layar 4,3 inci yang merupakan salah satu yang terbesar di industri ini.
"Kedua perangkat baru itu dibangun di atas kesuksesan ponsel Desire dan berupaya menggapai pasar yang lebih tinggi yabng menargetkan Apple, Samsung dan lainnya," kata Ben Wood, kepala penelitian pada CCS Insight.
Spesifikasi HTC Desire HD
Status: dipasarkan Oktober 2010; Quad Band GSM & HSDPA; OS Android v2.2 (Froyo); prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8255 1 GHz; Layar TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16 juta warna, 480 x 800 piksel, 4,3 inci; kamera 8 MP, 3264x2448 piksel, autofocus, dual-LED flash; video 720p; SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email, IM; GPRS 10, EDGE 10, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps; HSUPA 2 Mbps; HTML; slot microSD card; polifonik (MP3), radio FM stereo, GPS (A-GPS), java via third party application, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, jack audio 3,5mm, sensor accelerometer, Google search, maps, Gmail, Youtube, Google Talk, Facebook, Twitter, digital compass, dedicated search key, player MP4/H.263/H.264/WMV9, player MP3/AAC+/WAV/WMA9, voice memo, speakerphone, Bluetooth v2.1 (A2DP), port microUSB 2.0; baterai Li-Ion 1230 mAh
Spesifikasi HTC Desire Z
Status: Rilis Oktober 2010; Quad Band GSM & HSDPA; OS Android v2.2 (Froyo); prosesor Qualcomm MSM 7230 800 MHz; Layar TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16 juta warna, 480 x 800 piksel, 3,7 inchi; keyboard QWERTY; kamera 5 MP, 2592х1944 piksel, autofocus, LED flash; video 720p; SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email, IM; GPRS 10, EDGE 10, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps; HSUPA 2 Mbps; HTML; slot microSD card up to 32GB; polifonik (MP3), radio FM stereo, GPS (A-GPS), java via third party application, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, jack audio 3,5mm, sensor accelerometer, Google search, maps, Gmail, Youtube, Google Talk, digital compass, dedicated search key, player MP4/H.264 player, player MP3/WAV/AAC+, voice memo, speakerphone, Bluetooth v2.1 (A2DP), port microUSB 2.0; baterai Li-Ion 1300mAh
Peluncuran itu hanya sehari setelah Nokia, pembuat ponsel terbesar dunia, meluncurkan tiga ponsel pintar terbaru pada konferensi tahunan di London. Perusahaan berbasis di Taiwan yang juga menggunakan sistem operasi Windows dari Microsoft pada ponsel itu kini tengah berjuang menempati posisi pembuat ponsel pintar keempat terbesar dunia, menghadapi pembuat ponsel yang jauh lebih besar, Samsung Electronics.
Seperti kebanyakan pembuat ponsel, HTC sangat memokuskan perhatian pada pengembangan perangkat keras, tampak tidak mempedulikan meningkatnya fokus perhatian industri handset dalam penyediaan layanan online mobile dan perangkat lunak.
"Kami senang bisa mempersembahkan pengalaman HTC Sense dalam ponsel pada semua level baru dengan serangkaian layanan HTC yang terkoneksi," kata Chief Executive Peter Chou dalam sebuah pernyataan.
Tawaran layanan HTC tanpa biaya tambahan pada Android dan ponsel Windows ini memungkinkan pengguna selpon menikmati layanan Internet sekaligus mengarsip konten utama dari telepon.
Lewat produk ini, konsumen dapat mengirimkan teks dari komputernya dan melacak atau menghapus data dari ponsel mereka yang hilang.
"Saya pikir itu merupakan langkah yang menarik tetapi saya duga ini membuat kesal Google lantaran menawarkan alternatif untuk layanan seperti peta," kata analis Gartner, Carolina Milanesi.
Penawaran peta HTC yang dibuat bersama dengan perusahaan perangkat lunak navigasi Route 66, memungkinkan data peta diunduh ke dalam ponsel sehingga memotong biaya transfer data yang mesti dikeluarkan konsumen.
Handset baru
HTC yang juga meluncurkan ponsel terbaru HTC Desire HD dan HTC Desire Z dalam sebuah acara media di London, mengatakan bahwa mereka akan mulai menjual pada masa liburan di kuartal keempat tahun ini.
Model teratas HTC Desire HD menggunakan prosesor Snapdragon dari Qualcomm serta dilengkapi dengan kamera 8 megapiksel dan layar 4,3 inci yang merupakan salah satu yang terbesar di industri ini.
"Kedua perangkat baru itu dibangun di atas kesuksesan ponsel Desire dan berupaya menggapai pasar yang lebih tinggi yabng menargetkan Apple, Samsung dan lainnya," kata Ben Wood, kepala penelitian pada CCS Insight.
Spesifikasi HTC Desire HD
Status: dipasarkan Oktober 2010; Quad Band GSM & HSDPA; OS Android v2.2 (Froyo); prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8255 1 GHz; Layar TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16 juta warna, 480 x 800 piksel, 4,3 inci; kamera 8 MP, 3264x2448 piksel, autofocus, dual-LED flash; video 720p; SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email, IM; GPRS 10, EDGE 10, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps; HSUPA 2 Mbps; HTML; slot microSD card; polifonik (MP3), radio FM stereo, GPS (A-GPS), java via third party application, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, jack audio 3,5mm, sensor accelerometer, Google search, maps, Gmail, Youtube, Google Talk, Facebook, Twitter, digital compass, dedicated search key, player MP4/H.263/H.264/WMV9, player MP3/AAC+/WAV/WMA9, voice memo, speakerphone, Bluetooth v2.1 (A2DP), port microUSB 2.0; baterai Li-Ion 1230 mAh
Spesifikasi HTC Desire Z
Status: Rilis Oktober 2010; Quad Band GSM & HSDPA; OS Android v2.2 (Froyo); prosesor Qualcomm MSM 7230 800 MHz; Layar TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16 juta warna, 480 x 800 piksel, 3,7 inchi; keyboard QWERTY; kamera 5 MP, 2592х1944 piksel, autofocus, LED flash; video 720p; SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email, IM; GPRS 10, EDGE 10, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps; HSUPA 2 Mbps; HTML; slot microSD card up to 32GB; polifonik (MP3), radio FM stereo, GPS (A-GPS), java via third party application, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, jack audio 3,5mm, sensor accelerometer, Google search, maps, Gmail, Youtube, Google Talk, digital compass, dedicated search key, player MP4/H.264 player, player MP3/WAV/AAC+, voice memo, speakerphone, Bluetooth v2.1 (A2DP), port microUSB 2.0; baterai Li-Ion 1300mAh
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Alexis Bledel Photos
Alexis Bledel (born September 16, 1981) is an American actress and fashion model. She is best known for her roles as Rory Gilmore in the television series Gilmore Girls and Lena Kaligaris in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2.
Pengorbanan Sang Pria Kepada Seorang Wanita

Seorang wanita bertanya kepada seorang pria tentang cinta dan harapan
Wanita berkata ingin menjadi bunga terindah di dunia
Dan pria berkata ingin menjadi matahari
Wanita tidak mengerti kenapa pria ingin jadi matahari
Bukan kupu-kupu atau kumban yang bisa terus menemani bunga
Wanita berkata ingin menjadi rembulan
Dan pria berkata ingin tetap menjadi matahari
Wanita semakin bingung karena matahari dan bulan tidak bisa bertemu
Tetapi pria ingin tetap jadi matahari
Wanita berkata ingin menjadi Phoenix
Yang bisa terbang ke langit jauh di atas matahari
Dan pria berkata ia akan selalu menjadi matahari
Wanita tersenyum pahit dan kecewa
Wanita sudah berubah tiga kali
Namun pria tetap keras kepala ingin jadi matahari
Tanpa mau ikut berubah bersama wanita
Maka wanita itu pun pergi dan tak pernah lagi kembali
Tanpa tahu alasan kenapa pria tetap menjadh matahari
Pria merenung sendiri dan menatap matahari
Saat wanita jadi bunga, pria ingin jadi matahari
Agar bunga dapat terus hidup
Matahari akan memberikan semua sinarnya untuk bunga
Agar ia tumbuh berkembang
Dan terus hidup sebagai bunga yang cantik
Walau matahari tahu ia hanya dapat memandang dari jauh
Dan pada akhirnya kupu-kupu yang akan menari bersama bunga
Ini disebut KASIH, yaitu memberi tanpa pamrih
Saat wanita jadi bulan
Pria tetap menjadi matahari
Agar bulan dapat terus bersinar indah dan dikagumi
Cahaya bulan yang indah hanyalah pantulan cahaya matahari
Tetapi saat saat semua makhluk mengagumi bulan
Siapakah yang ingat kepada matahari?
Matahari rela memberikan cahayanya untuk bulan
Dilupakan jasanya dan kehilangan kemuliaannya
Sebagai pemberi cahaya
Agar bulan mendapatkan kemuliaan tersebut
Menyakitkan namun sangat layak untuk cinta
Saat wanita ingin jadi phoenix yang dapat terbang tinggi
Jauh ke langit bahkan di atas matahari
Pria tetap selalu jadi matahari
Agar phoenix bebas untuk pergi kapanpun ia mau
Dan matahari tidak akan mencegahnya
Matahari rela melepaskan phoenix untuk pergi jauh
Namun matahari akan selalu menyimpan
Cinta yang membara di dalam hatinya hanya untuk phoenix
Walau phoenix tidak selalu ada untuk matahari
Tidak akan ada makhluk lain selain phoenix
Yang bisa masuk ke dalam matahari dan mendapatkan cintanya
Ini disebut dengan KESETIAAN
Walaupun ditinggal pergi dan dikhianati
Namun tetap menanti dan mau memaafkan
Untuk para wanita siapakah matahari yang ada di dalam kehidupanmu?
Pergi lihat dan jangan pernah meninggalkannya....
Oleh: Arieph Bozzeck | Catatan Facebook
Winona Ryder Photos
Winona Laura Horowitz better known under her professional name Winona Ryder, is an American actress.
Dalam Sehari Ngabisin Duit 150 Ribu Coy
Seperti biasanya, kalau lagi punya uang lebih pasti deh belanjain macam-macam. Padahal hari depan masih banyak hal yang diperlukan dengan uang itu. Tapi mau gimana lagi, kalau setiap waktu aku hanya mikir uang untuk makan maka gak punya barang-barang aku. Sekali atau dua kali gak masalah lah.
Hari ini aku benar-benar mempersiapkan untuk hari depan. Mottoku hari ini adalah "Tomorrow is Newday!". Semoga hari esok tidak sama dengan hari kemarin apalagi lebih buruk, namun lebih baik! Amin. Insyaallah.
Siang tadi aku bersama sahabatku Didin berbelanja ke Pasar Johar dan ADA Mall. Sebelum itu aku sengaja untuk merapikan rambutku dulu alias potong rambut. Dalam rangka nantinya mengubah penampilanku gitu.
Di Johar aku udah niat untuk beli jam tangan. Akhirnya setelah upaya menawar dari harga 35ribu tak berhasil aku menyerah dan membelinya seharga segitu.
Sebenarnya aku gak ada niat untuk membeli seprei kasur. Tapi karena ingat sejak dahulu kala aku pengin banget beli seprei, seprei dengan corak Inter Milan seharga 50ribu kubeli.
Jam 3 sore kami balik namun karena ada sesuatu yang hendak dibeli Didin di ADA Mall, kami singgah bentar ke situ. Namun ujung-ujungnya dia malah lupa apa yang hendak dibelinya tadi. Gdubrakk...!
Yang jadinya beli malah aku yaitu sebuah keset/alas kaki buat kamarku. Lalu ketika melalui sebuah susunan kaos yang lumayan apik baik modelnya maupun diskonya, aku dan didin sepakat beli bareng. Alhasil kaos berkerah warna ungu kubeli sedangkan didin yang warna coklat. Kaos tersebut mereknya GREEN BARETS. Dari 79ribu didiskon 50%+25% jadinya 29ribu!
Eitts tak lupa sebelum meninggalkan ADA, kami singgah dulu ke McD, beli es krim Sundae Cokelat.
Hari ini aku benar-benar mempersiapkan untuk hari depan. Mottoku hari ini adalah "Tomorrow is Newday!". Semoga hari esok tidak sama dengan hari kemarin apalagi lebih buruk, namun lebih baik! Amin. Insyaallah.
Siang tadi aku bersama sahabatku Didin berbelanja ke Pasar Johar dan ADA Mall. Sebelum itu aku sengaja untuk merapikan rambutku dulu alias potong rambut. Dalam rangka nantinya mengubah penampilanku gitu.
Di Johar aku udah niat untuk beli jam tangan. Akhirnya setelah upaya menawar dari harga 35ribu tak berhasil aku menyerah dan membelinya seharga segitu.
Sebenarnya aku gak ada niat untuk membeli seprei kasur. Tapi karena ingat sejak dahulu kala aku pengin banget beli seprei, seprei dengan corak Inter Milan seharga 50ribu kubeli.
Jam 3 sore kami balik namun karena ada sesuatu yang hendak dibeli Didin di ADA Mall, kami singgah bentar ke situ. Namun ujung-ujungnya dia malah lupa apa yang hendak dibelinya tadi. Gdubrakk...!
Yang jadinya beli malah aku yaitu sebuah keset/alas kaki buat kamarku. Lalu ketika melalui sebuah susunan kaos yang lumayan apik baik modelnya maupun diskonya, aku dan didin sepakat beli bareng. Alhasil kaos berkerah warna ungu kubeli sedangkan didin yang warna coklat. Kaos tersebut mereknya GREEN BARETS. Dari 79ribu didiskon 50%+25% jadinya 29ribu!
Eitts tak lupa sebelum meninggalkan ADA, kami singgah dulu ke McD, beli es krim Sundae Cokelat.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Marisa Tomei Feet
Marisa Tomei has size 6.5 feet/shoes.Checkout these super cute pictures of her feet, legs and toes.Marisa Tomei is an American actress who starred in the film My Cousin Vinny and The Wrestler.
Jennifer Tilly Feet
Jennifer Tilly has size 8.5 feet/shoes.Here we have some excellent pictures of her feet, legs and toes.Jennifer Tilly is a sultry American actress who starred in the movie Bride of Chucky.
Blogku, Teman Setiaku Kala Sepi
Dear blog, apa kabar teman setia saat sepiku? Wah dah lama gak curhat.. :-) Maaf karena kesibukan dan kurang inspirasi. Oh dear blog, kamu enak bgt sih gak pernah ngerasain sedih, marah, sepi, dll.. Emang sih juga gak pernah ngerasa bahagia, riang, suka, dll.. Oh iya kamu kan bukan manusia ya? Kalau saya mah campur aduk semuanya itu, kan manusiawi ya. Terkadang bahagia eh sebentar sedih, lalu riang tapi jadi muram kemudian. Hemm dasar manusia ya.
Eiitss.. jangan salah. Emang bener sekarang hatiku lagi campur aduk. Kayak makanan donk! Yah berbagai perasaan naik turun naik turun gitu.. Tapi subhanallah! Thanks Allah. Aku hari ini merasa dekat sekali dengan-Nya, malahan terkadang rindu kepada-Nya.
Dia yang menciptakan kesedihan namun dapat pula semudah membalikkan tangan untuk menjadikannya kebahagiaan. Aku pun selalu memohon kesedihan yang kualami dengan segera menjadi kebahagiaan.
Tapi aku menyadari pula bahwa Kebahagiaan dapat berubah sekejap menjadi kesedihan atas kuasaNya. Jadi intinya aku memohon kesedihan ataupun kebahagiaan yang kualami ini sedang-sedang saja. Saat sedih yang sedang aja dan saat bahagia. Tak berlebihan.. HOHEHE
Eiitss.. jangan salah. Emang bener sekarang hatiku lagi campur aduk. Kayak makanan donk! Yah berbagai perasaan naik turun naik turun gitu.. Tapi subhanallah! Thanks Allah. Aku hari ini merasa dekat sekali dengan-Nya, malahan terkadang rindu kepada-Nya.
Dia yang menciptakan kesedihan namun dapat pula semudah membalikkan tangan untuk menjadikannya kebahagiaan. Aku pun selalu memohon kesedihan yang kualami dengan segera menjadi kebahagiaan.
Tapi aku menyadari pula bahwa Kebahagiaan dapat berubah sekejap menjadi kesedihan atas kuasaNya. Jadi intinya aku memohon kesedihan ataupun kebahagiaan yang kualami ini sedang-sedang saja. Saat sedih yang sedang aja dan saat bahagia. Tak berlebihan.. HOHEHE
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Posting Di Atas Bis Dan Terharu Nyanyian Seorang Pengamen
Inilah postingan pertama yang kutulis di atas bis kota. Aku tadi dari hotel Bojong ni mau ke Tembalang. Sebab barusan ada seorang pengamen yang dengan lagunya merenyahkan hatiku. Lumayan sih suaranya. Yang biasanya aku sangat jarang ngasih duit ke pengamen, tadi langsung kusodorkan ke dia selembar uang. Sebagai rasa terimakasih gitu. Lagu yang dinyanyikan adalah lagu D'Bagindas berjudul C I N T A.
Reefnya yang ku ingat begini:
Luka, luka, luka yang kurasakan..
Bertubi, tubi, tubi engkau berikan..
Cintaku bertepuk sebelah tangan..
Tapi aku balas senyum keindahan..
Bertahan satu cinta..
Bertahan satu C I N T A ..
Bertahan satu cinta..
Bertahan satu C I N T A
Reefnya yang ku ingat begini:
Luka, luka, luka yang kurasakan..
Bertubi, tubi, tubi engkau berikan..
Cintaku bertepuk sebelah tangan..
Tapi aku balas senyum keindahan..
Bertahan satu cinta..
Bertahan satu C I N T A ..
Bertahan satu cinta..
Bertahan satu C I N T A
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Uma Thurman Feet
Uma Thurman has size 11 feet/shoes.Here we have some high quality pictures of her feet, legs and toes.Uma Thurman is a dazzling actress, featured in the movie Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill.
Fashion Week Round Up
I don't know about you, but there is something exciting and refreshing about this year's New York Fashion Week. The most obvious difference is the new location; shows are held uptown at Lincoln Center and no longer at Bryant Park. But the overflow of special events, different forms of presentations, numerous rising designers, and the influence of the digital world have all created something uniquely new in today's ever changing fashion.
There is so much going on, so we bring you a few snippets of what we have been up to this past week, as well as brief summaries of what we are seeing. We warn you that this is a heavy post filled with photos and videos to accompany the write-ups, but we guarantee that you will love what you're reading!
So as we mentioned earlier, after 17 years, Bryant Park is no longer the hub of New York Fashion Week. And with 98 shows and presentations this season, up 80 from last year, everything is bigger and better in the new home that is 30 percent larger than that of Bryant Park. Moving away from exclusivity, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, the first fashion director of NY Fashion Week, is also making it a goal to make Fashion Week more available to the masses and plans to create a year-round fashion presence at the center.
photo via: NY Times
But in case you didn't make your way up to the Lincoln Center, nearly all shows were part of a live-streaming network this year. Using everything from Facebook and Twitter, to Conde Nast's live-stream, AOL's, or, anyone from anywhere was invited take part in the latest fashion shows.
photo via: NY Times
Burberry went above and beyond anyone else though, allowing customers to see the show on a live-streamed broadcast and then immediately making it available to order the merchandise as the models strut in it. The company promises its customers that their orders will be shipped within seven weeks, versus the normal four to six month wait.
photo via: NY Times
Tom Ford, however, went on a completely different route, opting for a private and intimate setting similar to that of the old-time couture shows of the 60's. After six years of absence, Mr. Ford invited 100 guests to a special presentation at his men's store on Madison Avenue with Terry Richardson as the only photographer permitted to take pictures. All of the 32 models were as individual as she could be, including Julianne Moore, Beyonce Knowles, Emmanuelle Seigner, Lauren Hutton, Rita Wilson, Rachel Feinstein, Marisa Berenson, Daphne Guinness, Lisa Eisner, Farida Khelfa, Lou Doillon, as well as a few supermodels, including Joan Smalls, Liya Kebede, Amber Valletta, Daria Werbowy, and Stella Tennant. Mr. Ford narrated the show, calling out each woman and then giving a lively, detailed description of her outfit. Unlike every other designer, Mr. Ford will hold back all photos of the collection until December when he will make them available on his website along with a mini-film of the show. The clothes will be in stores in late January or February.
Last week, Custo Barcelona presented his spring summer 20011 show at Lincoln Center. We were fortunate to attend the show and brought you some photos from backstage.
Inspired by musical festivals, there was a discovery of new textures and volumes as the girls walked down the runway in feathers, shiny embroidery, and bold shots of neon and mixed graphic prints.
This Monday, we attended Auralis' spring summer '11 fashion show hosted by The Green Shows. The Puerto Rican designer Auralis Herrero called her vision for this spring "Urban Tropical", presenting a runway of clothes inspired by her childhood in the Caribbeans mixed with the spirit of her current hometown, New York City. The collection was absolutely perfect for the hot summer days and we especially loved the silk series. Auralis' mission to create fashion without leaving a carbon footprint means all her pieces are made from organic, sustainable, or recycled fabrics with low-impact processing.
Before the show started, we got to meet Belinda Pasqua, the founder behind The Sway handbags. Her bags were not only stylish and fashion forward, they were made using hand crafted techniques and with overstocked leathers and recycled fabrics.
And last but not least, we close out today's post with some of our favorite images from last Friday's Fashion's Night Out. It was much more extravagant than the last, and we hope that for those who were able to make it, had a blast.
Naomi Campbell celebrating the night with her girls
photo via: WWD
Opening Ceremony Parisian Flea Market
photo via: Opening Ceremony
Alexander Wang with his crew at his OC flea market booth
photo via:
Devon Aoki puts on her poker face at Valentino
photo via: Refinery 29
Anjali and Naeem Khan sing Jai Ho at Bergdorf's
photo via: Refinery 29
Anna Wintour and blogger Tavi Gevinson at Barneys
photo via: Zimbio
Designer duo Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren at Saks Fifth Avenue
photo via: WWD
Despite the economic instability, September is off to great start and we are excited about the energy and celebratory spirit that is moving in the fashion industry. We hope you enjoyed this post and stay tuned for our next update!
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