Saturday, February 27, 2010
Buat Wallpaper Animasi 3D Online
Hampir semua ponsel dijaman sekarang ini memiliki fasilitas yang bagus dengan idukung pelayanan tambahan seperti theme, walpaper, hingga walpaper bergerak. Cara buatnyapun banyak, nah Hp trend kali ini mau jelaskan yang sudah ada filenya dan bisa didownload gratis + dipakai hp/ ponsel apa saja normal.
1. LAngsung saja ketik di browser :
2. Akan muncul sejumlah pilihan klik saja gambar yang diinginkan
3. nah kita akan langsung dibawa ke halaman mereka
4. Baca saja.. mudah.. ingat ketika mengubah / mencari wallpaper yang kita inginkan harus disesuaikan dengan jenis HP/ ponsel (merk dan Type)
5. pilih resolusi sesuai kondisi Hp mu
6. isi karakter yang diinginkan
7. Sekarang tinggal mendownload file dengan 2 pilihan.. pakai gif atau Wap.
Selesai deh... gimana bingung.... coba saja lama-lama bisa kok
1. LAngsung saja ketik di browser :
2. Akan muncul sejumlah pilihan klik saja gambar yang diinginkan
3. nah kita akan langsung dibawa ke halaman mereka
4. Baca saja.. mudah.. ingat ketika mengubah / mencari wallpaper yang kita inginkan harus disesuaikan dengan jenis HP/ ponsel (merk dan Type)
5. pilih resolusi sesuai kondisi Hp mu
6. isi karakter yang diinginkan
7. Sekarang tinggal mendownload file dengan 2 pilihan.. pakai gif atau Wap.
Selesai deh... gimana bingung.... coba saja lama-lama bisa kok
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tom Hanks With Steven Spielberg At Los Angeles Premiere - Photos
Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg at event of The PacificTom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Gary Goetzman
and you thought it was all over
Even though the date of Chinese New Year wanders up and down the Gregorian calendar over a range of about four weeks, it always seems to be cold in Hong Kong over the new year period, and this year has been no exception. However, instead of the usual two or three days of cold weather, this year it was cold and miserable throughout the first week, threatening to dampen any enthusiasm for the
Thursday, February 25, 2010
still from Lily donaldson's Flying Hair via: Nowness
A place to be inspired, NOWNESS introduces the latest and best of fashion, art, culture, and travel in digital form. With interactive capabilities and user-friendly interface, its allows viewers to engage with the site as it then tailors the content to the viewer's specific interest. With it's "Love/Don't Love" feature, they are also able to directly gauge consumer reaction to products and ideas, setting up a new system of user testing and gathering information.
Although NOWNESS is a brand of the luxury group, LVMH, the content is editorially independent and the NOWNESS international team collaborates with any creative individuals and brands. As content is the most important focus of the site, there is yet to be any revenue model. But as the site grows, it expects interest from advertisers.
Because much of luxury is about tradition, the luxury market has always been a bit slow in adapting to online media. But NOWNESS has taken the leap as it experiments with new capabilities and sharing of ideas through the Internet. While it's approach is relevant to today's society, it remains faithful to the luxury lifestyle with it's forward-thinking approach to creativity and innovation. The concept of NOWNESS is not a completely new idea, but an evolution of what has been happening in social media such as blogs, Twitter, and Facebook.
We live in a time where it is crucial for luxury brands to re-strategize and re-market themselves in order to stay on top of today's technologically advanced society. The power of the Internet is becoming increasingly important as it is continually being explored and expanded. We are eager to see how NOWNESS develops and differs itself from today's never-ending list of online editorial sites. But we also expect that this trend of online presence will continue to grow as other brands imitate with similar concepts.
news flash,
American Idol - Top 12 Female Semifinalists Photos
Ashley RodriguezCrystal BowersoxDidi BenamiHaeley VaughnJanell WheelerKatelyn EpperlyKatie StevensLacey BrownLilly ScottMichelle DelamorPaige MilesSiobhan Magnus
Alice Eve in She's Out of My League - Photos
Still of Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve in She's Out of My LeagueStill of Alice EveStill of Krysten Ritter and Alice Eve
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Emilie de Ravin And Robert Pattinson In Remember Me - Photos
Still of Emilie de Ravin and Robert Pattinson in Remember MeEmilie de Ravin at event of Remember MeStill of Emilie de Ravin and Robert Pattinson in Remember MeRobert Pattinson at event of Remember MeRobert Pattinson at event of Remember MeStill of Pierce Brosnan, Emilie de Ravin and Robert Pattinson in Remember Me
Monday, February 22, 2010
Drew Barrymore Photo Gallery
Drew Barrymore at event of Music and LyricsDrew Barrymore and Alia Shawkat at event of Youth in RevoltStill of Drew Barrymore in Everybody's FineDrew Barrymore at event of Going the Distance
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
American Idol Photos
Still of Joe Munoz, Tim Urban, Jermaine Sellers, Todrick Hall and Michael Lynche in American IdolStill of Ashley Rodriguez, Janell Wheeler, Katelyn Epperly, Lacey Brown, Haeley Vaughn, Didi Benami and Crystal Bowersox in American Idol
fireworks: a retrospective
You can probably guess, based on my previous post, that I like fireworks, but this wasn’t always the case. My earliest memory of this kind of thing was as a four-year-old on Bonfire Night (5th November) in 1950. My father had bought a box of fireworks, but I was too scared to go into the garden to see them being set off at close range and merely watched through the living room window.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Role of the Blogger
Designer John Galliano and Blogger Tavi Gevinson via: Style Rookie
As previously mentioned in our earlier blog post, bloggers have a new role and greater influence in fashion than ever before. As everyone relies on the Internet nowadays for the latest information, the influence of blogs is something that cannot be ignored. Not only is it a source of information or inspiration, blogs are also the new type of portfolio in the fashion industry. It can lead to sponsorships, deals, collaborations, and jobs in marketing, fashion and media. Naomi Nevitt, a new media consultant, states that there are so many different types of blogs. And "it's about designers seeing how important this is, and the ability to circulate this information so quickly is really important." Looking toward the future, she predicts "personal style blogs filling the role of the traditional stylist. Just in the way a [public relations] company will lend out an item to shoot to a magazine, it's that way for a personal style blog showing how this item can exist in people's wardrobes."
Designer Marc Jacobs via: Vogue Espana
The power pyramid has shifted and designers are paying more attention to what bloggers are saying. Attracting hundreds of thousands of hits per month, these bloggers influence a wider audience. Calling them key influencers, a spokeswoman from Tory Burch states, "we hope that through their sites, they'll introduce Tory Burch to a whole new set of customers... Blogs and Web sites invite a dialogue with readers and customers that is invaluable to us." Fashion designer Norma Kamali also noted that "there is no elite in anything anymore."Calling them leaders, she says she appreciates the way they interpret what she does and publicly share it with others.
Jane Aldridge at Crillon Ball via: Sea of Shoes
Bloggers play a multi-dimensional role; they are the new celebrities, editors, critics, stylists, muses, etc... The list can go on and on. 13-year-old Tavi Gevinson of Style Rookie is now a correspondent for Pop Magazine and has reportedly been approached about a reality TV show and a book. 17-year-old blogger of Sea of Shoes, Jane Aldridge, designed a capsule collection for Urban Outfitters and was invited by Vogue to attend the Paris Crillon Ball in a Chanel Haute Couture gown. And London-based 25-year-old Susie Lau of Susie Bubble is now an editor at Dazed & Confused.
With all of this attention given to bloggers, there has been an uproar the last few weeks of bloggers versus editors. 13-year-old Tavi Gevinson, blogger of Style Rookie, wrote her stance, and Business of Fashion made a great point. And for the most part, bloggers are not trying to take over anyone's position or step on anyone's toes. As Business of Fashion states, instead of an unconstructive us versus them mentality, journalists and editors should engage genuine dialogues with bloggers "about the state of the industry and the ways in which social media can make fashion a more participative industry."
As information is available to everybody instantly, the pace of fashion has moved much more quickly than before. Today, most fashion brands and retailers have some form of blogger outreach. Whether these companies are giving bloggers new products, inside scoops, inviting them to special events or fashion shows, those who are smart enough know that they cannot ignore this new blogosphere. Journalists, stylists, and editors may feel attacked by the power of bloggers. But that does not need to be the case. Perhaps many people who have been in the fashion industry for a long period are not yet comfortable with this idea, but it is only to their disadvantage to not accept the changing times.
Information moves quickly, and people are reacting quickly. As information becomes more widely available and fashion becomes more transparent, we stand in a midst of a revolution. It's clear that blogging is not just a trend, and we look forward to how this will evolve and change the fashion industry.
Source: WWD
Menolak Panggilan masuk melalui SMS
Menolak Panggilan masuk melalui SMS, setidaknya bisa diaktifkan ketika kita semua kondisi sibuk, rapat dan lainnya. Hal ini sangat penting dikarenakan bisa mempengaruhi kredibilitas kita sendiri. Caranya bagaimana ? bisa kok hanya dengan mengandalkan fitur SMS melalui program Spb Phone Suite untuk Smartphone yang berbasis Windows Mobile. Caranya :
1. Download dulu aplikasinya di pocketpcsoftware/phonesuite lalu instal
2. Panggilan masuk pilih Ignore
3. Kirim SMS otomatis dari sofware ini
4. Pilih Teks pesan
5. Costum Text
6. Membuat pesan
Aplikasi ini sayangnya masih Trial.... kita semua kan cari gratis.... ada nggak ya..?
1. Download dulu aplikasinya di pocketpcsoftware/phonesuite lalu instal
2. Panggilan masuk pilih Ignore
3. Kirim SMS otomatis dari sofware ini
4. Pilih Teks pesan
5. Costum Text
6. Membuat pesan
Aplikasi ini sayangnya masih Trial.... kita semua kan cari gratis.... ada nggak ya..?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Software Gratis MSDNAA Untuk Mahasiswa UNDIP

Apa itu MSDNAA? MSDNAA adalah MSDN Academic Aliance. Mengenai kepanjangan MSDN arsyil gak tau… ^^. Tapi singkat cerita MSDNAA adalah semacam bentuk kerjasama Microsoft dengan Universitas di Indonesia. Nih selengkapnya.. (Arsyil kutip dari situs Microsoft User Group Indonesia (
MSDN Academic Alliance (MSDNAA) adalah Program yang menghubungkan ke software secara mudah dan murah bagi mahasiswa dan fakultas dalam bidang teknologi dan desain terbaru untuk mendapatkan perangkat lunak Microsoft yang mereka butuhkan. MSDNAA juga merupakan program Microsoft yang tersedia untuk organisasi akademis, terutama universitas, walaupun ada juga yang versi SMA. Sekolah-sekolah yang berpartisipasi membayar biaya tahunan untuk MSDNAA layanan, untuk di tukar yang berlaku departemen (ilmu komputer, teknik komputer, teknologi informasi, dan bidang-bidang yang berhubungan dengan organisasi), serta mahasiswa dan fakultas dapat memperoleh salinan dari lisensi perangkat lunak Microsoft seperti seperti Microsoft Windows, Visual Studio dan produk lainnya.
Nah untuk di UNDIP sendiri dipegang oleh Ilmu Komputer, notabene Fakultas MIPA. Jadi bagi anak MIPA buruan daftarin diri kalian…
Gampang kok caranya, nih langkah-langkahnya:
1. Daftarkan Email Address : Pergi ke Dekanat lantai 2 bagian Adm Akademik temui Pak Amri (berada di dekat pintu). Maka akan disuruh mengisi data (Nama, NIM, Email, Jurusan, Alamat, Nomor HP) dan serahkan 1 lembar fotokopi KTM. Kalu udah jangan lupa ucapkan terima kasih.
2. Login Email: Buka email aktif yang kamu daftarkan tadi. Akan ada email dengan subjek “Welcome to MSDN Academic Alliance: Online Software System”. Jangan ragu-klik aja! :D hehe. Dibaca aja, hingga di bawah ada link dan disuruh ngeklik! (yang di bawah kalimat “Your MSDNAA Online Software System can be found at:”). Eitss lupa, dibaca dulu Username dan password yang diberikan di email kamu itu..
3. Login ELMS: Link tadi menuju ELMS (E-academic License Management System, -artinya apa ya?-). Saran saya setelah login sebaiknya ganti password yang tadi diberikan oleh di email tadi dengan password baru kesayangan kamu.
4. Download Software: Sebaiknya login tadi jangan di close dulu! Buka tab baru menuju ke -> Klik link download di bagian atas. Nah disini adalah daftar software yang bisa kamu download gratis! Pilih salah satu, misal “Windows 7 Professional (x86) - DVD (English)”.
5. Add to Chart: Sambil menunggu downloadan selesai kamu kembali ke halaman login yang tadi itu. Klik My software -> Pada Announcements, ganti search by produck tittle dengan software yang kamu download tadi, yaitu “ Windows 7 Professional (x86) - DVD (English)” lalu klik go! -> Add to Chart -> I agree -> Check Out
6. Dapatkan Serial Number: Sampai di langkah tadi Masukkan last and first name, dan pastikan kotak kecil di bawahnya tercentang, lalu klik next > Tada….! Selamat anda sudah memperoleh serial number.. Ketemu gak?? Makanya dibaca tuh keterangannya. Selamat ya! Dicatet kalau perlu disave aja tuh biar gak lupa.
GPS = Global Positioning System
GPS adalah sistem navigasi untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan di sekitar kamu seperti pemetaan daerah, emisi karbon dan lainnya yang berguna sebagai acuan untuk mengenal lingkungan baru. Dalam GPS ada POI (Point Of Interest) yang berguna untuk menandai tempat favorit kamu dengan sebuah titik di layar GPS dan Titik ini bisa dibagikan dengan orang lain.
Ada 5 Aplikasi GPS terpopuler saat ini yaitu :
1. GPS Today (Windows Mobile)
2. Google Map (Windows Mobile)
3. GPS2BLUE (Windows Mobile)
4. Buddyway (Blackberry)
5. Location Tagger (Symbian)
Mau downloan Softwarenya ? cari saja di mbah Google sebelah kanan blog ini ... pasti ketemu deh dan selamat mencoba
Ada 5 Aplikasi GPS terpopuler saat ini yaitu :
1. GPS Today (Windows Mobile)
2. Google Map (Windows Mobile)
3. GPS2BLUE (Windows Mobile)
4. Buddyway (Blackberry)
5. Location Tagger (Symbian)
Mau downloan Softwarenya ? cari saja di mbah Google sebelah kanan blog ini ... pasti ketemu deh dan selamat mencoba
Panduan Penggunaan Smartphone Palm Pre
Produk satu ini memang dibuat untuk menyaingi Iphone, Palm merupakan smartphone yang handal, apa sih kelebihannya ?
1. Dengan menggunakan jari kamu dapat mengakses maupun menjalankannya
2. Fungsi Sync dimana kamu bisa melihat semua percakapan dan pesan bila IM online
3. Mudah masuk ke Search Engine
4. Tersedia aplikasi hingga 60 aplikasi
5. Stereo Speakernya lumayan
6. Proses Charge yang Induktif.
Smartphone Palm pre masih dalam tahap pengembangan, tapi penggunannya sangat simple dan inovatif. So kalau pakai smrtphone ini bisa lebih oke...
1. Dengan menggunakan jari kamu dapat mengakses maupun menjalankannya
2. Fungsi Sync dimana kamu bisa melihat semua percakapan dan pesan bila IM online
3. Mudah masuk ke Search Engine
4. Tersedia aplikasi hingga 60 aplikasi
5. Stereo Speakernya lumayan
6. Proses Charge yang Induktif.
Smartphone Palm pre masih dalam tahap pengembangan, tapi penggunannya sangat simple dan inovatif. So kalau pakai smrtphone ini bisa lebih oke...
Monday, February 15, 2010
I often say that the best time to be in Hong Kong is Chinese New Year—if you’re a resident. If you’re a visitor, it’s the worst time—everywhere (apart from the big hotels) is closed. The Hong Kong Tourist Board did initiate a New Year’s Day parade through the main entertainment district in Kowloon a few years ago, but this is Chinese New Year for tourists, and we don’t bother to attend.
Windows Mobile 7 Segera DiLuncurkan
Microsoft Corp berharap dapat meningkatkan citra piranti lunaknya untuk telepon pintar (Smartphone) dalam uji coba terbarunya di pasar yang sedang pesat melalui Windows Mobile 7. Windows Mobile 7 dijadwalkan bisa diluncurkan pada pada tahun ini. Kepastian soal peluncuran Windows Mobile 7 disampaikan CEO Microsoft Corp Steve Ballmer pada Mobile World Congress di Barcelona.
Piranti lunak ini akan meminjam elemen desain dari pemutar musik Zune milik Microsoft (MSFT), dana akan memperoleh kritikan jika tidak berhasil secara komersial. piranti ini kemungkinan juga akan kompatibel dengan Microsoft Xbox Live Games, demikian seperti dilaporkan Bloomberg News.
Smartphone berbasis sistem operasi buatan Microsoft yang terakhir yaitu windows
mobile 6.5 banyak memperoleh ulasan buruk pada musim gugur lalu, yang disebabkan rumitnya penggunaan ketimbang piranti lunak pesaing.
"Ada pandangan, baik benar maupun salah, bahwa Microsoft harus melakukan aksinya bersama, terutama di seputar masalah tampilan pengguna," kata William Stofega seorang analis perangkat bergerak dari lembaga riset IDC.
Berdasarkan survey IDC banyak telepon selular dengan piranti lunak Microsoft yang
telah dipasarkan, sebanyak 18,3 juta unit di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2009.Tetapi
perolehan itu menurun sebesar 7,4 persen dari 19,8 juta unit yang dipasarkan tahun
lalu. Pangsa pasar jatuh dari 13,1 persen ke 10,7 persen pada periode yang sama.
Dalam persepsi publik, pamor Microsoft mengalami keterpurukan, terutama ketika disandingkan dengan Research In Motion's (RIM) BlackBerrys diantara pengguna korporat dan Apple iPhone diantara pengguna biasa.
Di sisi lain Microsoft juga harus bersaing dengan sistem operasi Symbian yang banyak dijumpai di ponsel Nokia, Palm`s WebOS dan seperti yang disebut IDC tentang pesatnya pasar berkembang yaitu Android, sistem operasi besutan Google.
Dengan Windows Mobile 7, penting bagi Microsoft untuk meningkatkan reputasinya, kata Stofega. "Inilah yang diharapkan industri untuk didengar dan di apresiasi. Dan
itulah yang ingin diketahui pelanggan."
Analis Iklan dari Interpret, Michael Gartenberg mengatakan, "Microsoft harus bisa mulai menangkap minat pasar untuk menambah pangsa pasar dan sekaligus menyakinkan pasar bahwa pihaknya mampu juga melakukan hal hebat."
Para Analis percaya bahwa belum terlambat bagi Microsoft untuk memutar balik
keadaan. Untuk pasar Smartphone, Microsoft masih relatif terlihat kecil jika dibanding pertumbuhan dari pasar ponsel. "Ini bukan kesempatan terakhir" ujar Gartenberg seperti dilaporkan
Piranti lunak ini akan meminjam elemen desain dari pemutar musik Zune milik Microsoft (MSFT), dana akan memperoleh kritikan jika tidak berhasil secara komersial. piranti ini kemungkinan juga akan kompatibel dengan Microsoft Xbox Live Games, demikian seperti dilaporkan Bloomberg News.
Smartphone berbasis sistem operasi buatan Microsoft yang terakhir yaitu windows
mobile 6.5 banyak memperoleh ulasan buruk pada musim gugur lalu, yang disebabkan rumitnya penggunaan ketimbang piranti lunak pesaing.
"Ada pandangan, baik benar maupun salah, bahwa Microsoft harus melakukan aksinya bersama, terutama di seputar masalah tampilan pengguna," kata William Stofega seorang analis perangkat bergerak dari lembaga riset IDC.
Berdasarkan survey IDC banyak telepon selular dengan piranti lunak Microsoft yang
telah dipasarkan, sebanyak 18,3 juta unit di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2009.Tetapi
perolehan itu menurun sebesar 7,4 persen dari 19,8 juta unit yang dipasarkan tahun
lalu. Pangsa pasar jatuh dari 13,1 persen ke 10,7 persen pada periode yang sama.
Dalam persepsi publik, pamor Microsoft mengalami keterpurukan, terutama ketika disandingkan dengan Research In Motion's (RIM) BlackBerrys diantara pengguna korporat dan Apple iPhone diantara pengguna biasa.
Di sisi lain Microsoft juga harus bersaing dengan sistem operasi Symbian yang banyak dijumpai di ponsel Nokia, Palm`s WebOS dan seperti yang disebut IDC tentang pesatnya pasar berkembang yaitu Android, sistem operasi besutan Google.
Dengan Windows Mobile 7, penting bagi Microsoft untuk meningkatkan reputasinya, kata Stofega. "Inilah yang diharapkan industri untuk didengar dan di apresiasi. Dan
itulah yang ingin diketahui pelanggan."
Analis Iklan dari Interpret, Michael Gartenberg mengatakan, "Microsoft harus bisa mulai menangkap minat pasar untuk menambah pangsa pasar dan sekaligus menyakinkan pasar bahwa pihaknya mampu juga melakukan hal hebat."
Para Analis percaya bahwa belum terlambat bagi Microsoft untuk memutar balik
keadaan. Untuk pasar Smartphone, Microsoft masih relatif terlihat kecil jika dibanding pertumbuhan dari pasar ponsel. "Ini bukan kesempatan terakhir" ujar Gartenberg seperti dilaporkan
Sunday, February 14, 2010
a new year
Firecrackers had been going off sporadically all morning, and the local lion-dance troupe, which is always kept very busy on the first day of the new year, is running behind schedule. It is due to arrive at midday, but it is past 1pm before their truck finally pulls up outside the village.
The first order of business is for the lion to pay its respects at the village shrine, accompanied by the
The first order of business is for the lion to pay its respects at the village shrine, accompanied by the
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Membuat Wallpaper Sesuai Tipe Ponsel
Wallpaper... udah pasti kamu sudah sangat familiar dan pasti selalu mengganti dengan yang kamu suka. Cuman sayang kalau wallpaper yang mau kita munculkan adalah foto yang kita hasilkan kadang hasilnya tidak maksimal bin rusak. ternyata ada software aplikasinya lho.
Wallpaperio MAker merupakan aplikasi gratis yang mampu membuat wallpaper dari gambar dan photo dan dipersonalisasikan sesuai ukuran ponsel yang kamu miliki. Aplikasi ini bisa membaca file seperti Jpg, gif dan png. Program ini bisa didownload di Setelah di donload lakukan proses instalasi, tinggal ikuti petunjuk.
Setelah aplikasi terinstall lakukan optimalisasi hasil, pilih menu wallpaper dan akan diatur device, resolusi secara otomatis. cara memasukkan foto seperti biasa sedangkan menampilkannya tinggal select image, lalu open. Selamat mencoba ya...
Wallpaperio MAker merupakan aplikasi gratis yang mampu membuat wallpaper dari gambar dan photo dan dipersonalisasikan sesuai ukuran ponsel yang kamu miliki. Aplikasi ini bisa membaca file seperti Jpg, gif dan png. Program ini bisa didownload di Setelah di donload lakukan proses instalasi, tinggal ikuti petunjuk.
Setelah aplikasi terinstall lakukan optimalisasi hasil, pilih menu wallpaper dan akan diatur device, resolusi secara otomatis. cara memasukkan foto seperti biasa sedangkan menampilkannya tinggal select image, lalu open. Selamat mencoba ya...
kung hei fat choi
Since the time of Emperor Wu Ti of the Han Dynasty (141–87 BC), acknowledged as one of the greatest of Chinese emperors, the Chinese New Year has fallen on the second new moon following the winter solstice, which means that in 2010 it will be on 14th February. And the usual signs of its impending arrival have been gathering for the past fortnight, starting with a gradual increase in the price of
Friday, February 12, 2010
Efisiensi Voice Call Via Internet
Fring merupakan aplikasi freeware yang difungsikan untuk memudahkan komunikasi pengguna baik pengguna ataupun chat (instan mesagging). Aplikasi ini dioperasikan melalui koneksi internet sehingga tidak memotong saldo pulsa yang ada di ponsel pengguna. JAdi dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini pengguna bisa langsung berinteraksi baik lewat chat (dari berbagai provider : Skype, MSN, YM, AIM).
DEngan kemampuan yang dimiliki ini, Fring mampu memperluas koneksi internet pada mobile dengan penggunaan yang lebih maksimal. SO yang paling penting adalah Fring mampu memangkas biaya sangat maksimal banget. ingat biaya panggilan Internasional dengan fasilitas account Skype/ Skipein atau layanan VOIP seperti SIPNET, Eutelia VOIP, VOIP Talk. MAu download aplikasi ini ada di atau kamu bisa cari di mbah google sebelah kanan blog ini dengan mengetik Fring
DEngan kemampuan yang dimiliki ini, Fring mampu memperluas koneksi internet pada mobile dengan penggunaan yang lebih maksimal. SO yang paling penting adalah Fring mampu memangkas biaya sangat maksimal banget. ingat biaya panggilan Internasional dengan fasilitas account Skype/ Skipein atau layanan VOIP seperti SIPNET, Eutelia VOIP, VOIP Talk. MAu download aplikasi ini ada di atau kamu bisa cari di mbah google sebelah kanan blog ini dengan mengetik Fring
Thursday, February 11, 2010
cain and abel
As a child, I attended both Sunday School at the church where my mother was a member and Bible classes at the local Gospel Hall. In neither case do I remember any doctrine that may or may not have been attached to the stories I heard, but while this was happening I was also learning about Greek and Norse mythology at school, so it seems unlikely in retrospect that any kind of in-depth explanation
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A Return to Luxury?
via: Flickr
As an estimated twenty percent of the US population are still unemployed or working part-time, the
recession is still a reality for many of us. Most of us are still looking for the best bargains and being frugal with our dining expenses. So it was a bit of a surprise when we heard that despite the economic state, the luxury market is actually doing better than expected.
Richard Hastings, retail strategist at Global Hunter Securities,estimates that about half of the 80% of Americans fully employed arenot affected by the economic state. As they are less concerned about thestability of their jobs, many have begun to comfortably open up their wallets. And it's not just casual spending, we're talking about a return to high-end luxury goods.
Retail companies from all angles have reported sale increases. Tracey Travis, chief financial officer of Polo Ralph Lauren, states that he has "begun to see the gradual return of our core luxury customer," including buyers of their $4,000 couture dresses. Representatives of the Louis Vuitton Las Vegas boutique, which just opened last December, announced that sales were 50 percent higher than their predicted forecast. Prada's retail sales rose more than 14 percent and expressed hopeful prospects for the coming months. Abercrombie & Fitch recently reported an 8% sales increase, its first monthly increase for the last 20 months. In addition, the top department store chains, Neiman Marcus, Saks, Nordstrom, andBloomgdales all report an increase sales growth. Neiman Marcus alsonoted that their strongest categories were women's couture clothing andprecious jewelry. And consumers are also shopping online. Onlinefashion retailer Yoox reported this week a 50 percent rise in their 2009sales, claiming all markets, include Europe, North America, and Japan had strongsales. And just last month, ASOS, Yoox's rival online retailer, stated a 30 percent sales increase in the five weeks to January 3.
Despite the sales reports, in times like these, we can't help but to have some skepticism about this new confidence of such an optimistic outlook. What has suddenly urged people to spend so lavishly? And is it naive to say that this is going to gradually increase? But nonetheless, we would love to be proven wrong and hope that recovery may be faster than expected.
As an estimated twenty percent of the US population are still unemployed or working part-time, the
recession is still a reality for many of us. Most of us are still looking for the best bargains and being frugal with our dining expenses. So it was a bit of a surprise when we heard that despite the economic state, the luxury market is actually doing better than expected.
Richard Hastings, retail strategist at Global Hunter Securities,estimates that about half of the 80% of Americans fully employed arenot affected by the economic state. As they are less concerned about thestability of their jobs, many have begun to comfortably open up their wallets. And it's not just casual spending, we're talking about a return to high-end luxury goods.
Retail companies from all angles have reported sale increases. Tracey Travis, chief financial officer of Polo Ralph Lauren, states that he has "begun to see the gradual return of our core luxury customer," including buyers of their $4,000 couture dresses. Representatives of the Louis Vuitton Las Vegas boutique, which just opened last December, announced that sales were 50 percent higher than their predicted forecast. Prada's retail sales rose more than 14 percent and expressed hopeful prospects for the coming months. Abercrombie & Fitch recently reported an 8% sales increase, its first monthly increase for the last 20 months. In addition, the top department store chains, Neiman Marcus, Saks, Nordstrom, andBloomgdales all report an increase sales growth. Neiman Marcus alsonoted that their strongest categories were women's couture clothing andprecious jewelry. And consumers are also shopping online. Onlinefashion retailer Yoox reported this week a 50 percent rise in their 2009sales, claiming all markets, include Europe, North America, and Japan had strongsales. And just last month, ASOS, Yoox's rival online retailer, stated a 30 percent sales increase in the five weeks to January 3.
Despite the sales reports, in times like these, we can't help but to have some skepticism about this new confidence of such an optimistic outlook. What has suddenly urged people to spend so lavishly? And is it naive to say that this is going to gradually increase? But nonetheless, we would love to be proven wrong and hope that recovery may be faster than expected.
Masalah Blackberry
Pasti sebagian besar dari kita yang memakai blacberry mengalami masalah, maklum kita belum tentu membaca peunjuk semua sampai jelas dan tidak ada yang menjelaskan, jadi kita ya coba sini coba sana. Mungkin ada juga permasalahan rutin walau ringan tapi mengganggu juga kalau dibiarkan. berikut masalah-masalah itu dan pemecahannya :
1. Mencabut BAterai
kalau mencabut kondisi nyalatunggu 30 detik baru dipasang, sedangkan kalau pakai lainnya bisa tekan tombol Alt+Shift+kanan+del (biarkan reboot dulu)
2. Memory Leak, kehilangan pesan di inbox dan log telepon secara tiba-tiba
hal ini bisa disebut memori bocor, untuk menanggulanginya usahakan sisa memory paling kecil 14 MB. Tipnya : masuk menu-> options-> status atau bisa tekan Alt+Shift+H secara berasamaan
3. Tidak dapat menerima email
Untuk mengatasinya masuk ke email dan masuk akun kamu, atau bisa langsung mencari help, kemudian pilih send service book.
4. Browser menghilang
- pastikan tersambung dengan layanan BIS
- pastikan nggak ada icon yang tersembunyi
- masuk ke option-> advance option-> Host Routing Table, lalu tekan tombol menu dan pilih register tunggu 30 detik (sabar)
5. Memisahkan SMS dan Email
Untuk langsng merubahnya masuk ke folder message-> options-> general options-> rubah SMS dan Email inboxes ke pilihan separate
6. LAkukan Update software berkala dan WipeHAndheld
1. Mencabut BAterai
kalau mencabut kondisi nyalatunggu 30 detik baru dipasang, sedangkan kalau pakai lainnya bisa tekan tombol Alt+Shift+kanan+del (biarkan reboot dulu)
2. Memory Leak, kehilangan pesan di inbox dan log telepon secara tiba-tiba
hal ini bisa disebut memori bocor, untuk menanggulanginya usahakan sisa memory paling kecil 14 MB. Tipnya : masuk menu-> options-> status atau bisa tekan Alt+Shift+H secara berasamaan
3. Tidak dapat menerima email
Untuk mengatasinya masuk ke email dan masuk akun kamu, atau bisa langsung mencari help, kemudian pilih send service book.
4. Browser menghilang
- pastikan tersambung dengan layanan BIS
- pastikan nggak ada icon yang tersembunyi
- masuk ke option-> advance option-> Host Routing Table, lalu tekan tombol menu dan pilih register tunggu 30 detik (sabar)
5. Memisahkan SMS dan Email
Untuk langsng merubahnya masuk ke folder message-> options-> general options-> rubah SMS dan Email inboxes ke pilihan separate
6. LAkukan Update software berkala dan WipeHAndheld
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Stacy J Lee's Re(-)Creation
via: Ecouterre
Last week, Ecouterre highlighted the work of one of MBF's own staff members, Stacy J. Lee. Her Re(-)Creation line is an avant-garde approach of making use of what already exists. Collecting samples, left over and damaged merchandise, the line reworks what is considered waste into a one-of-a-kind piece of craft. Her first collection experiments with America's most iconic look: t-shirt and jeans. Click here to see the full article.
Last week, Ecouterre highlighted the work of one of MBF's own staff members, Stacy J. Lee. Her Re(-)Creation line is an avant-garde approach of making use of what already exists. Collecting samples, left over and damaged merchandise, the line reworks what is considered waste into a one-of-a-kind piece of craft. Her first collection experiments with America's most iconic look: t-shirt and jeans. Click here to see the full article.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
we’ve always done things this way
You will probably be familiar with the phrase ‘in a horse’s arse’, which although uncouth expresses disbelief or outright incredulity to great effect. For example, if I were to suggest that the Roman Empire had a negative influence on twentieth-century space exploration, you might reply in just this manner.
But before you do, consider this apparently trivial question: why is the standard US
But before you do, consider this apparently trivial question: why is the standard US
Friday, February 5, 2010
12 Handphone Modis cuman Ratusan Ribu
Mau Hp yang trendi nggak ketinggalan bin murah (dibawah 1 juta) ? Walau kalau beli Qwerty lokal bisa juga, ini adalah Ponsel Branding Internasional :) berikut ini deh 12 handphone yang layak menurut Hp- Trend perlu dilirik :
1. Nokia 2680 Slide Rp 750.000
2. Nokia 7100 Supernova Rp 850.000
3. Nokia 2220 Rp 750.000
4. Sony Erickson F305 Rp 950.000
5. Sony Erickson W350 Rp 850.000
6. Sony Erickson W205 Rp 725.000
7. Sony Erickson T303i Rp 775.000
8. Samsung C3053 Rp 850.000
9. Samsung E2510 Rp 850.000
10. Samsung C3010 Rp 750.000
11. Motorola W396 Rp 700.000
12. Motorola W270 Rp 430.000
1. Nokia 2680 Slide Rp 750.000
2. Nokia 7100 Supernova Rp 850.000
3. Nokia 2220 Rp 750.000
4. Sony Erickson F305 Rp 950.000
5. Sony Erickson W350 Rp 850.000
6. Sony Erickson W205 Rp 725.000
7. Sony Erickson T303i Rp 775.000
8. Samsung C3053 Rp 850.000
9. Samsung E2510 Rp 850.000
10. Samsung C3010 Rp 750.000
11. Motorola W396 Rp 700.000
12. Motorola W270 Rp 430.000
near-death experience
Have you ever had a near-death experience? And I don’t mean one of those hallucinatory experiences where you are walking down a tunnel towards what is usually described as some kind of ‘heavenly’ light. I mean, have you ever been in a situation where, fully conscious, you’re convinced that your life is going to end in the next five seconds? I have. It happened like this.
I’d passed my driving
I’d passed my driving
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The New Social Currency
Still from Vol de Jour, film by Karl Lagerfield via Chanel
As we live in such a world, having virtual presence is key for the longevity and success of any business company. Smart retail companies and fashion brands recognize this and are shifting their marketing and branding strategies. These days, in order to stay afloat in the market, having digital content is vital. Without a platform in the digital world, a brand has almost no identity. And since creating a Facebook fan page, Twitter account, or a blog is free, building an online community has never been easier.
With the influence of media and technology, brands mustbegin to think in a more creative manner and offer something special inorder to stand out against the crowd. As we are constantly bombardedwith new ideas, brands must offer something interesting to keep theiraudience engaged. And to stay on top, it's much more than just abouthaving presence; it's about innovation. Chanel, for example, has beenmaking some changes lately with their runway videos, a silent film, videodiaries, and their most recent development, Chanel News.Although Chanel is regarded as one of the most exclusive Parisiandesign houses, the brand recognizes that the world is not the sametoday as it was twenty, or even ten years ago and change is necessary. And even smaller designers are experimenting with filmand media; Designer Vanessa Brunofor example, collaborated with model and actress Lou Doillon anddirector Stephanie Di Giusto for her last two seasons to create afashion video "Visual Poem."
Tavi for Vogue Paris via Jak & Jil
We live in an exciting period where all the traditional systems of fashion are being redesigned, criticized, and restructured. And as we live in a global society where technology is the driving force, we are ready to leave the old, and embrace the new. Andy Warhol was right when he said, "in the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." But even if recognition is easier to achieve, the challenge now lies in permanence.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sama-Sama Kelahiran Pangkalanbun

“sma2 kelahiran pangkalnbun” itulah bunyi judul dari sebuah pesan yang masuk ke facebook q tadi malam (03/01 /10) jam 21.26. Nama pengirimnya adalah Akhmad Hadi. Nama yang belum ada di daftar teman facebookku sebelumnya. Yang kemudian kutahu bahwa barusan ada permintaan teman dari nama itu. Lalu pesan itu kubuka dan kubaca.
“slam z waktu browsing nyri2 tentang p.bun ketemu kmu aQ seneng..coz kurang na informasi di p.bun membuat Qu sulit cari2 info na…terimakasih byak…atas blog…tilis lagi bro..tentang kota masni s Qita…(akhmad hadi)”
“Iya betul di internet masi minim info ttg pbun. Slain itu blogger pbun blm byk. Mgkn krna slh stux sarana yg masi blm mudah d pbun. Skrg tgl dmn bang? Wah sy jg terimaksh kmbli sy trksan ad pmbaca blog sy yg ngasi tggapan d fb. Yg mn sy jd mrasa g sia2 ngeblog. Mhn srn n msuknx”
Yup emang bener, aku senang ada pembaca blogku yang berkirm tanggapan di facebookku. Apalagi ini tentang pangkalanbun. Karna sejak awal aku membuat blog ini salah satunya emang untuk menulis tentang pangkalanbun. Liat aja tuh motto blogku “Dunia Harus Tahu Bahwa Pangkalan Bun Ada”. Dan aku juga membuat blog khusus mengenai pangkalanbun yaitu di yang sudah memiliki komentar puluhan buah.
Tulisan ini kupersembahkan untuk blogku,
Semoga blog ini bisa menyenangkan hati para pengunjungnya, memberfikan tulisan yang berkualitas, pokoknya berguna lah.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
IPad Ancaman bagi Produsen PC
iPad (istimewa)
Meski tidak selengkap fitur PC, iPad sanggup menjalankan banyak hal yang dianggap konsumen penting dalam netbook, komputer mini yang sangat populer akhir-akhir ini. Dengan bobot yang sangat ringan, iPad menyediakan aplikasi akses e-mail, Internet, dan media digital seperti buku elektronik (electronic books).
Versi termurah iPad akan dijual seharga 499 dolar (hampir Rp5 juta), lebih mahal dari kebanyakan netbook yang dijual sekitar 400 dolar (sekitar Rp4 juta) atau di bawah itu.
"Orang yang memperhatikan netbook juga akan sangat serius memperhatikan iPad," kata Charles Smulders dari perusahaan riset pasar, Gartner, seperti dikutip sebuah media bisnis terkemua dalam webnya baru-baru ini.
Sejumlah kalangan mengatakan, munculnya iPad bisa mengancam produsen komputer seperti Hewlett-Packard, Acer, dan Dell, ketika pasar netbook berkembang pesat pada quarter keempat tahun lalu saat konsumen dan perusahaan menunda untuk membeli perangkat kerja yang berharga mahal. Pasar PC pada waktu itu tumbuh 15,2 persen, setelah turun 0,4 persen pada 2008, sebagaimana dilaporkan perusahaan riset IDC.
Menurut analis IDC, David Daoud, porsi substansial dari pertumbuhan itu disumbang oleh penjualan netbook, PC jinjing yang ringan dan berharga murah. iPad yang juga memungkinkan untuk bermain games, beserta kelebihan-kelebihannya yang lain, ternyata tidak mengejutkan bagi Presiden Nintendo, Satoru Iwata.
Satoru mengatakan tidak ada kejutan dalam iPad dan tampak seperti antusiasme kecil dalam teknologi 3-D (tiga dimensi) serta peningkatan gambar definisi tinggi untuk games. Satoru menganggap bahwa iPad hanyalah sebuah iPod besar. (dikutip dari antara news)
black magic
I have suggested in previous posts (Who’s Fooling Who? and Knowledge or Certainty) that a degree of mysticism attaches to modern theories in cosmology and particle physics, but these suggestions were thrown into sharp focus by an email that I received today from my son, who provided a link to an article about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which has been fairly described as the largest science
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