Monday, September 20, 2010

MBF Exclusive: Future of Fashion Video

Earlier this month we were invited to speak at "Take 5ive" a monthly event -- hosted in NYC by WIN-Initiative -- which brings together professionals from various creative industries.

This month’s event was hosted by
Take 5ive’s Hans Neleman; Chrissy Reilly emceed a packed Win Headquaters.

Manuela Fassbender, creative director was one of 10 guest speakers.

Each speaker is given 5 minutes to discuss any topic of their choosing.

This evening's selection of speakers was organized by social media marketing & business trending specialist, Karen D'Silva.

Speakers came from diverse industries -- from photography to beer brewing.

They included:
Stanislava Georgieva, photographer
See what Manuela presented here...

About Take 5ive
Take5ive brings together leaders in the creative industry in a forum of sorts. Typically, 10 speakers are split between artists and creative professionals. Past guest speakers have included creative consultant Stella Kramer and Allegra Wilde,tech people Dripbook founder Alex Wright as well as app developers and representatives from Adorama and Sony. Artists participating are split between commercial and fine art.

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