Setelah beberapa kali membahas tentang Android baik Ponsel maupun aplikasinya tidak ada salahnya kalau kita semua mengetahui apa sih ANDROID itu ? Operating System yang bagaimanakan ANDROID itu ? Berikut ulasan semua tentang ANDROID :
Android adalah Operating System (OS), untuk perangkat mobile (pada Smartphone dan Netbook). OS ini sebenarnya menggunakan Kernel Linux (open source) dan kemudian dikembangkan oleh Google diteruskan oleh Open Handset Alliance. Android diluncurkan pada tanggal 5 Nopember 2007 dengan didukung oleh konsorsium 48 perusahaan hardware, software dan telekomunikasi yang tergabung dalam Open Handset Alliance (OHA). Tujuannya membentuk sebuah standar OS GRATIS dalam dunia perangkat mobile.
Awalnya Google melakukan akuisisi terhadap sebuah perusahaan kecil bernama Android, Inc. yang bermarkas di Palo Alto, California. KArena Android, Inc. ini adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi Operating System untuk device Mobile. Secara tidak langsung ini dianggap oleh khalayak ramai bahwa Google ingin masuk kepersaingan dunia Smartphone seperti yang dilakukan Blacberry dan Windows (Microsoft). Smapai ada seluruh media dunia mengangkat isu Google Phone dan ketika itu google membuat 30 Prototype Smartphone siap uji coba.
PAda akhirnya Google membuka lisensi OS Android secara penuh dengan lisensi Apache (pihak yang ingin mengembangkan ANDROID dapat melakukan tambahan secara bebas)dan karena itulah Android menjadi OS open source yang bebas dikembangkan pada smartphone dan netbook (lisensi untuk telephony dan network). Keputusan ini juga didukung oleh konsorsium OPen Handset Alliance (OHA).
Segitu dulu ceritanya, kapan-kapan dilanjut dipostingan berikutnya OKE ..
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tom Cruise And Cameron Diaz In Knight and Day
Still of Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz in Knight and Day
we are reliably informed
It is said that we live in the information age. Unfortunately, we’re not vouchsafed any guarantees as to the veracity or accuracy of the information on offer. And, paraphrasing C. Northcote Parkinson, to make matters worse, information increases in volume to fill the means available for its transmission. It has always been so.
All forms of primitive communication over distance, from the
All forms of primitive communication over distance, from the
Monday, March 29, 2010
Setelah beberapa saat yang lalu hp-trend menceritakan sekilas tentang Aplikasi terbaik dari Android, di minggu ini ternyata Ponsel Lokal sudah mengeluarkan POnsel ber OS Android ini. BErikut nama Ponsel Android yang telah beredar dipasaran :
1. Titan Q77 Advanced (Trackpad, TV, Dual Kamera)
2. e-Touch Pro (TV + fitur Qur'an)
3. Adline JC51 Pro (Mirip E72)
4. HTC Hero (Bundling Indosat)
5. Tiphone T38
6. IMO B720
7. Samsung C3510 GEnoa
8. Samsung i5700 Galaxy Spica
9. Nexian T780
10. Sun Phone 8900
11. Mito Luxberry 301
12. Huawei U8230 (Wifi & HSDPA ok)
13. GVON 620 (Video Chatting Murah)
1. Titan Q77 Advanced (Trackpad, TV, Dual Kamera)
2. e-Touch Pro (TV + fitur Qur'an)
3. Adline JC51 Pro (Mirip E72)
4. HTC Hero (Bundling Indosat)
5. Tiphone T38
6. IMO B720
7. Samsung C3510 GEnoa
8. Samsung i5700 Galaxy Spica
9. Nexian T780
10. Sun Phone 8900
11. Mito Luxberry 301
12. Huawei U8230 (Wifi & HSDPA ok)
13. GVON 620 (Video Chatting Murah)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Kata Pengantar Menteri NIC Untuk Mading BEM FMIPA UNDIP

Daripada terlihat "gak update" blogku ini, kuisi ama salah satu tulisan yang di muat di sebuah media informasi kampusku aja ya. Ini adalah sebuah kata pengantar ketika penerbitan media Mading edisi pertama di kampus FMIPA UNDIP tahun 2010. Nama madingnya adalah "Mading Harmonis". Dibuat oleh Kementerian NIC BEM FMIPA UNDIP 2010 Keluarga Harmonis.
Quote”Selamat membaca, semoga betah.
Jangan lupa, tuk mampir kembali...”
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Bingung nih mau nulis apa. Kata bu staff NIC penanggungjawab Mading bahwa diriku disuruh buat kata pengantar untuk edisi yang pertama ini. Awalnya sih pengen bikin pantun, tapi dah setengah jam daritadi gak selesai-selesai. Dua kalimat di atas merupakan isi dari pantun yang padahal mau kubuat.
Oke langsung ke inti. Jadi betul sekali mading yang ada di depan rekan-rekan ini merupakan edisi pertama dari kepengurusan BEM FMIPA UNDP 2010 Keluarga Harmonis. Tepatnya dikelola oleh Kementerian NIC. Untuk edisi yang pertama ini sepenuhnya dirancang oleh staff NIClangsung, namun untuk edisi selanjutnya akan lebih diberikan kepada rekan-rekan dari divisi Jurnalistik.
Mading ini merupakan salah satu program kerja yang masuk dalam rapat kerja Kementerian NIC. Dengan rencana akan diganti minimal 1 kali/bulan. Doakan aja ya supaya kita bisa konsisten. Kalau bisa malah rekan-rekan dapat memberikan sumbangsihnya bagi mading ini.
Isi mading yang hendak kami capai yang pertama adalah sebagai media sosialisasi berkenaan dengan apa saja kegiatan BEM sendiri, yang kedua adalah sebagai pemberi informasi seputar kampus FMIPA tercinta kita, tak lupa selanjutnya adalah info universitas dan umum, yaitu misalnya mengenai lingkungan, teknologi, dan lain sebagainya.
Begitu saja dari saya, semoga mading ini sarana informasi yang bermanfaat bagi semua. Terucap terima kasih kepada Allah yang memberi kesempatan kepada kami yaitu NIC khususnya yang telah memberi kesempatan menjalankan amanah ini dan memberikan semangat kepada kami.
Kemudian mas Barri selaku presiden BEM atas arahan-arahannya. Juga yang pasti kepada rekan-rekan di NIC, Nindya terima kasih atas semangatnya sebagai penanggungjawab Mading ini, Icha sekretaris terbaik NIC, Ewi bendahara terbaik NIC, Mba Dwi selaku kepala divisi jurnalistik , dan Budi dan Syatori dua orang staff terbaik BEM. NIC sukses sukses sukses! Terima kasih...
Salam Harmonis,
Arsyil Hendra Saputra
-Menteri NIC-
BEM FMIPA UNDIP 2010 Keluarga Harmonis
Seperti biasa, lama nggak dibahas di hp-trend kali ini best game untuk hp/ ponsel kamu di bulan ini adalah sebagai berikut :
1. TEKKEN Mobile
2. Mystic Miles Air Tubulence
3. The Dog Beagle
4. Custom Choppers
5. Crime Files 2 : The Templar Knight
6. Sniper
7. Nick Diamond Jewel Towers
8. Boulder Dash Rock
9. Russian MAfia
10. Mobile Fight Night Round 3
11. Carnival Land
12. Doodle Jump
13. Blokus
14. Fighter : King of Brawl
15. Age of Empires III : The Asian Dynasties
16. Pizza Shop MAnia
17. Retro Games 5 in 1
1. TEKKEN Mobile
2. Mystic Miles Air Tubulence
3. The Dog Beagle
4. Custom Choppers
5. Crime Files 2 : The Templar Knight
6. Sniper
7. Nick Diamond Jewel Towers
8. Boulder Dash Rock
9. Russian MAfia
10. Mobile Fight Night Round 3
11. Carnival Land
12. Doodle Jump
13. Blokus
14. Fighter : King of Brawl
15. Age of Empires III : The Asian Dynasties
16. Pizza Shop MAnia
17. Retro Games 5 in 1
Divisi Jurnalistik NIC BEM FMIPA UNDIP Goes to MANUNGGAL

The Story:..oleh Arsyil Hendra Saputra
Prediksi dari mba Dwi sih jam 1 siang kesana, tapi pun begimana kalo ada banyak kendala. Namun kali ini tumben diriku ontime –nyengiir-, sekitar jam setengah 1 diriku sudah berada di depan GSG. Cilingak celinguk kesana kemari dan emang belum ada yang datang. Sambil menunggu facebookan ah..lumayan satu update status, “Sdg mnikmati alunan hembusan angin di dpn GSG.. subhanallah sjuk bgt! Hikmahnya bahwa mungkin kita terlalu menyibukkan diri sampai lupa bahwa suatu ketika kita perlu istirahat pula sejenak..”.
Orang kedua setelah aku adalah Abdi, eh dia juga sama celingak celinguk nyari yang udah datang. Tapi aku berada di balik motor, jadi kayaknya dia kagak ngelihat. Hingga datanglah mba Dwi, nah kalau yang ini langsung ngedapet dimana diriku berada. Mereka berdua lalu mendatangi aku. Sehingga sudah ada 3 orang (dari 7). Sambil lalu tiba si Puti, dilanjuti si Ali Muchit dengan jaket chemistrynya.
Nah lo, dah jam 1, kurang 2 orang lagi=Mira dan Lasna. Kalau Mira, kita ntar nyamperin soalnya kosnya di Ngesrep. Sedangkan Lasna, mba Dwi bilang lagi les B.Inggris. Beliau lalu berinisiatif menjemput Lasna.
Wah sudah setengah 2 belum kembali juga mba Dwi –bersama Lasna-. Dan hal tak terduga dan jelas tak teringin terjadi –OMG-; HUJAN... Yahh berharap semoga ini bukan berarti perjalanan kita tak direstui (wkwkwk –mengutip kata Muchit-). Harapan itu pun ada, dengan mulai redanya hujan serta sekembalinya mba Dwi dan Lasna plus menambah pula mba Ida. Segera kita capcus,, berangkat –padahal cuaca masih tak mendukung-.
Sampai di patung kuda, Ngesrep, si Mira pun bergabung. Tapi sebelumnya ngambil helm dulu di kos dia, karena sewaktu di patung kuda dia lupa bawa.
Yup sekitar pukul 14.15 sampailah kita di PKM Joglo UNDIP Semarang bawah. Tapi baru Aku-Ali, mba Dwi-Mira. Dengan beberapa rintangan yang sepertinya dilalui di perjalanan, sisa rombongan, Abdi, Puti, Lasna, dan mba Ida akhirnya tiba.
“Wah gelap sekali”, itulah kesanku pertama melihat kantor Manunggal. Tapi rame juga, seperti terlihat mereka sedang menggarap sebuah proyek. Dengan ramah kita digiring ke sisi lain kantor itu.

Selama sekitar 2 jam (sampai jam 16), beberapa hal kita samapaikan ke mereka. Jelas yang pertama tujuan kita kesana adalah untuk silaturahmi sebab di kemudian semoga jurnalistik kita bisa sealur dengan LPM Manunggal, serta sebagai bentuk memperkenalkan keberaan kami. Yang kedua, adalah mencari ilmu. Insyaallah bulan esok –April-, Divisi Jurnalistik NIC BEM FMIPA UNDIP mau menerbitkan buletin. Tentu kita mau minta sharing soal pembuatan, sponsorship, peliputan, dan rekomendasi tempat percetakan.
Divisi Jurnalistik dibentuk untuk menggagas jurnalisme kampus FMIPA UNDIP, digandeng tangan oleh Kementerian NIC BEM FMIPA UNDIP. Diharapkan menjadi otak pelaku hidupnya jurnalistik kampus FMIPA. Yang selanjutnya bisa tercapai BSO Jurnalistik lalu UPK/LPM Jurnalistik FMIPA UNDIP. Amin.
Terima kasih kepada Manunggal yang telah open kepada kami.
Jurnalistik NIC Sukses Sukses Sukses!

Saturday, March 27, 2010
People are strange. To illustrate my point, I’d like to describe a phenomenon that I first noticed about ten years ago in a small shopping mall adjoining Tsuen Wan station. The Luk Yiu Galleria is like any other out-of-town shopping precinct. No fancy atrium, no escalators spanning more empty space than you want to think too closely about, no glass-walled elevators. In short, no flash. Just two
Friday, March 26, 2010
unsympathetic magic
During my recent illness, my wife has steadfastly refused to allow me to drink coffee.
“Coffee makes you cough,” she says, citing some arcane point of Chinese medicine.
“In that case,” I suggest, “eating toffee should make me tough.”
My wife laughs, but the result remains the same.
No coffee.
“Coffee makes you cough,” she says, citing some arcane point of Chinese medicine.
“In that case,” I suggest, “eating toffee should make me tough.”
My wife laughs, but the result remains the same.
No coffee.
Puisi Cinta Paling Indah Islami
Jika Aku Jatuh Hati..
Ya Allah, Jika aku Jatuh Cinta....
Cintakanlah aku Pada Seseorang Wanita..
Yang Melabuhkan Cintanya Hanya Pada-Mu...
Agar bertambah Kekuatan Untuk Mencintai-Mu....
Ya Muhaiminin, Jika aku Jatuh Hati...
Izinkan aku Menyentuh Hati Seseorang Wanita...
Yang Hatinya Terpaut Pada-Mu..
Agar Tidak Terjatuh aku pada Jurang Cinta Nafsu...
Ya Robbana, Jika Aku Jatuh Hati....
Jagalah Hatiku Padanya....
agar Tidak Berpaling Daripada Hati-Mu..
Ya Robbul Izzati, Jika Aku Rindu....
Rindukanlah Aku Pada Seseorang Wanita...
Yang Merindui Syahid DI jalan-Mu...
Ya Alloh, jika aku Menikmati Cinta Kasih-Mu..
Janganlah Kenikmatan itu Melebihi...
Kenikmatan Indahnya Bermunajat..
Di Sepertiga Malam Terakhir-Mu...
Ya Alloh, Jika Kau Halalkan Merindui KekasihMu..
Jangan Biarkan aku Melampui Batas..
Sehingga Melupakan aku pada Cinta Hakiki..
Dan Rindu Abadi Hanya Kepada-Mu...
Ya Alloh, Hamba memohon cinta-Mu…
Cinta orang-orang yang mencintai-Mu…
Dan cinta kepada segala apapun,
Yang akan mendekatkan Hamba kepada cinta-Mu...
Ya Allah, Jika aku Jatuh Cinta....
Cintakanlah aku Pada Seseorang Wanita..
Yang Melabuhkan Cintanya Hanya Pada-Mu...
Agar bertambah Kekuatan Untuk Mencintai-Mu....
Ya Muhaiminin, Jika aku Jatuh Hati...
Izinkan aku Menyentuh Hati Seseorang Wanita...
Yang Hatinya Terpaut Pada-Mu..
Agar Tidak Terjatuh aku pada Jurang Cinta Nafsu...
Ya Robbana, Jika Aku Jatuh Hati....
Jagalah Hatiku Padanya....
agar Tidak Berpaling Daripada Hati-Mu..
Ya Robbul Izzati, Jika Aku Rindu....
Rindukanlah Aku Pada Seseorang Wanita...
Yang Merindui Syahid DI jalan-Mu...
Ya Alloh, jika aku Menikmati Cinta Kasih-Mu..
Janganlah Kenikmatan itu Melebihi...
Kenikmatan Indahnya Bermunajat..
Di Sepertiga Malam Terakhir-Mu...
Ya Alloh, Jika Kau Halalkan Merindui KekasihMu..
Jangan Biarkan aku Melampui Batas..
Sehingga Melupakan aku pada Cinta Hakiki..
Dan Rindu Abadi Hanya Kepada-Mu...
Ya Alloh, Hamba memohon cinta-Mu…
Cinta orang-orang yang mencintai-Mu…
Dan cinta kepada segala apapun,
Yang akan mendekatkan Hamba kepada cinta-Mu...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I bought an MP3 player a couple of years ago, because I listen to music all the time at home, and I thought it would be a good idea to be able to listen to music while on the move. I hardly ever use it. For obvious reasons, I wouldn’t consider using it while cycling, but even when I’m merely out walking I’d rather listen to the birds.
In fact, I’ve heard it argued, plausibly, that birdsong was
In fact, I’ve heard it argued, plausibly, that birdsong was
Leighton Meester Photos
Still of Leighton Meester in Gossip GirlLeighton Meester at event of Gossip Girl
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Nothing to Hide
One of the biggest trends of our times is transparency-- and we're not just talking about sheer tank tops or blouses here. What we are seeing is not limited to the runway fashions with trends that may not withstand more than a few months, but rather a cultural shift that is drastically changing the way we live, feel, and think as individuals and active members of society.
As we have many times discussed the rising popularity of social media networks and technological advancement of all industries, along with these is more openness and transparency. Networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become so integrated with how we interact with others, both in our personal lives and business, that we are now accustomed to, and even expect, to have access to what everyone is up to and letting others know about us. As communication is becoming faster, wider, and easier, people seem to be less concerned about invasion of privacy, or at least there is now a whole new set of standards.
Cast of Kell on Earth via: Pop Tower
In turn, this mentality has affected every industry in the way companies market themselves and interact with their customers. The fashion industry has become more open with what goes "behind-the-scenes"
as fashion-related reality TV shows have increased in popularity with new shows coming up every year, like this year's newest hits Kell on Earth and Launch My Line. There is also more openness in the retail segment. Last year, the always forward Opening Ceremony created a blog, giving a behind-the-scenes knowledge of their staff, collections, and personal interests. And more recently, J. Crew began sharing a selection of clothing handpicked by their creative director, giving a more personal shopping experience to their clients, as well as interviews with their favorite muses, sharing who and what inspires them.
via: J. Crew
In addition, there is also a growing number of websites designed exclusively to review a product or company. Trip Advisor, for example, is one of the most popular and trusted travel review sites today, boasting with over 30 million reviews on more than 490,000 hotels and attractions, with over 45 million monthly visitors. Yelp, attracting 26 million monthly visitors with over 9 million local reviews, has also become the go-to site to review practically anything in any US city, whether it's which restaurant to dine at, which mall to shop, or which dentist to go to. But there are also more specific review sites like, dedicated to reviewing beauty products, or, focused solely on reviewing Sears products.
As we live in a globally connected society where communication is all about real time, the future of any industry is all about having real conversations with their customers and knowing how to best respond to it. Simply put, consumers are better educated, and they want to know more. As more information is available, people are more interested in the bigger picture of things as it is no longer just about the final product. A company's stance on health, social, ethical, and eco responsibility all have a say in the final purchase.
via: Inhabitat
With websites and tools like these, it is only more beneficial for companies to be more transparent about their business practices and take more responsibility. As there is a growing number of websites such as these, there is very little room to hide and much less space for error.
And since we've mentioned Walmart in our previous post, we want to point out that last July, they announced plans to develop a sustainable product index, evaluating the sustainability of all their products. Beginning with a survey of its more than 100,000 suppliers, they plan to focus on four specific areas: energy and climate; material efficiency; natural resources, and; people and community. Walmart's president and CEO has a clear vision of the future, stating, "[Customers] want information about the entire life cycle of a product so they can feel good about buying it. They want to know that the materials in the product are safe, that it was made well and that it was produced in a responsible way. We do not see this as a trend that will fade. Higher customer expectations are a permanent part of the future."
We can't help but agree more. As transparency becomes more in demand, tools that help sustainable consumption is integral. And overall, it's becoming more difficult to separate technology with sustainability as the two are extremely interlinked. In order for brands and products to succeed today, overcoming scrutiny and withstanding a society that demands so much, companies must think more strategically; and that means being more engaged with their customers, being more honest, and ultimately being more responsible.
As we have many times discussed the rising popularity of social media networks and technological advancement of all industries, along with these is more openness and transparency. Networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become so integrated with how we interact with others, both in our personal lives and business, that we are now accustomed to, and even expect, to have access to what everyone is up to and letting others know about us. As communication is becoming faster, wider, and easier, people seem to be less concerned about invasion of privacy, or at least there is now a whole new set of standards.
Cast of Kell on Earth via: Pop Tower
In turn, this mentality has affected every industry in the way companies market themselves and interact with their customers. The fashion industry has become more open with what goes "behind-the-scenes"
as fashion-related reality TV shows have increased in popularity with new shows coming up every year, like this year's newest hits Kell on Earth and Launch My Line. There is also more openness in the retail segment. Last year, the always forward Opening Ceremony created a blog, giving a behind-the-scenes knowledge of their staff, collections, and personal interests. And more recently, J. Crew began sharing a selection of clothing handpicked by their creative director, giving a more personal shopping experience to their clients, as well as interviews with their favorite muses, sharing who and what inspires them.
via: J. Crew
In addition, there is also a growing number of websites designed exclusively to review a product or company. Trip Advisor, for example, is one of the most popular and trusted travel review sites today, boasting with over 30 million reviews on more than 490,000 hotels and attractions, with over 45 million monthly visitors. Yelp, attracting 26 million monthly visitors with over 9 million local reviews, has also become the go-to site to review practically anything in any US city, whether it's which restaurant to dine at, which mall to shop, or which dentist to go to. But there are also more specific review sites like, dedicated to reviewing beauty products, or, focused solely on reviewing Sears products.
As we live in a globally connected society where communication is all about real time, the future of any industry is all about having real conversations with their customers and knowing how to best respond to it. Simply put, consumers are better educated, and they want to know more. As more information is available, people are more interested in the bigger picture of things as it is no longer just about the final product. A company's stance on health, social, ethical, and eco responsibility all have a say in the final purchase.
There are now many tools designed to help support this. Shopsavvy, an Android app, allows one to scan almost any barcode using the phone's camera, and it will then search over 20,000 online and local retailers to find the best price. Fatburgr, a website and iPhone application, allows one to search the nutritional facts of almost every fast-food restaurant. One of our favorites is the GoodGuide, a website and iPhone application providing information for the eco-conscious consumer, evaluating the life cycle of over 70,000 products. Project Label is another, creating "people-powered company nutrition labels", showing a company's social and environmental impact. Using the power of the web, the site allows consumers, businesses, and organizations to add, discuss, and vote on credible news, media, and research to help build these labels.
With websites and tools like these, it is only more beneficial for companies to be more transparent about their business practices and take more responsibility. As there is a growing number of websites such as these, there is very little room to hide and much less space for error.
And since we've mentioned Walmart in our previous post, we want to point out that last July, they announced plans to develop a sustainable product index, evaluating the sustainability of all their products. Beginning with a survey of its more than 100,000 suppliers, they plan to focus on four specific areas: energy and climate; material efficiency; natural resources, and; people and community. Walmart's president and CEO has a clear vision of the future, stating, "[Customers] want information about the entire life cycle of a product so they can feel good about buying it. They want to know that the materials in the product are safe, that it was made well and that it was produced in a responsible way. We do not see this as a trend that will fade. Higher customer expectations are a permanent part of the future."
We can't help but agree more. As transparency becomes more in demand, tools that help sustainable consumption is integral. And overall, it's becoming more difficult to separate technology with sustainability as the two are extremely interlinked. In order for brands and products to succeed today, overcoming scrutiny and withstanding a society that demands so much, companies must think more strategically; and that means being more engaged with their customers, being more honest, and ultimately being more responsible.
in defence of pigs
The English language contains a lot of words and phrases that include the name of an animal and are, as such, intended as metaphors for specific types of human behaviour. Most of these hinge on a key aspect of the perceived character of the animal in question. Thus, to fox is to outwit through guile or cunning and clearly derives from the long-held belief, reinforced in children’s literature,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Membuat E-book di Ponsel
BEberapa saat lalu hp-trend pernah menceritakan Buat File berformat Doc di Ponsel JAva, nah sekarang kalau buat e-book nya gimana ? Caranya mudah yaitu langsung masuk ke, silahkan registrasi, lalu file kamu yang berformat doc, txt dan epub kamu upload. Kamu akan mendapat Wattacode (kode) yang nantinya apabila ada orang yang ingin membaca ebook kamu ya harus tahu wattacode ini.
Dan ternyata di wattpad ini juga menyediakan e-book gratis, tinggal kamu cari yang kamu maudenga masuk ke Library. Setelah dipilih baru didownload. Enaknya aplikasi ini juga kalau membaca file yang sudah dikirim tadi tidak memerlukan e-book reader karena e-book itu tadi sudah dikonversi menjadi aplikasi java dengan format instalasi jar.
Dan ternyata di wattpad ini juga menyediakan e-book gratis, tinggal kamu cari yang kamu maudenga masuk ke Library. Setelah dipilih baru didownload. Enaknya aplikasi ini juga kalau membaca file yang sudah dikirim tadi tidak memerlukan e-book reader karena e-book itu tadi sudah dikonversi menjadi aplikasi java dengan format instalasi jar.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Ponsel bisa Buat Memantau Cuaca
Untuk bisa agar Ponsel/ Hp kamu memantau cuaca disekitar kamu ternyata ada aplikasinya. Ada beberapa aplikasi pemantau cuaca yang perlu kamu coba :
1. Sompy Weather
OS harus Operasi Windows Mobile
2. Fizz Weather 2.2
Ponsel nya juga harus ber OS Windows MObile
3. AccuWeather
program aplikasi ini gratis dan memiliki kelebihan dibanding yang lain (Symbian 5th)
4, SPB Weather
berbayar, tapi 15 hari gratis... mau ?
1. Sompy Weather
OS harus Operasi Windows Mobile
2. Fizz Weather 2.2
Ponsel nya juga harus ber OS Windows MObile
3. AccuWeather
program aplikasi ini gratis dan memiliki kelebihan dibanding yang lain (Symbian 5th)
4, SPB Weather
berbayar, tapi 15 hari gratis... mau ?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Kathryn Bigelow Photos
Kathryn Bigelow at event of 15th Annual Critics' Choice Movie AwardsKathryn Bigelow at event of The 82nd Annual Academy AwardsKathryn Bigelow at event of K-19: The Widowmaker
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