Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Flaco Jimenez LIVE Tonight!
Miss World Alexandria Mills Photos
comparative advantage
Friday, October 29, 2010
Google Nexus Two Oleh Samsung
Google dan Samsung dilaporkan sedang sibuk mempersiapkan peluncuran smartphone Android, Google Nexus Two. KAlau ini benar, bisa ramai sekali dunia smartphone. Menurut rumor yang beredar, handset tersebut bakal diumumkan 8 November mendatang, dalam even yang memang sudah dijadwalkan oleh Samsung.
Kabar ini berasal dari situs yang membahas soal Android, AndroidandMe. Menurut pihak situs yang mengklaim mendapat bocoran dari sumber terpercaya, Google Nexus Two yang dibuat Samsung akan berbasis Android 2.3 atau Gingerbread.
Jika Google Nexus One dominan dijual secara online dan malah menimbulkan beberapa masalah, konon kali ini tidak demikian. Sebab, seperti dikutip dari ITProPortal, Jumat (29/10/2010), Google berencana akan menjual Nexus Two melalui toko retail. Di Inggris, retail yang ditunjuk adalah Carphone Warehouse. Nexus Dua adalah "sangat berbeda" dari Nexus One. Berdasarka cerita di ITProPortal Nexus two tampaknya hitam dan mengkilat membangun dengan plastik glossy sedangkan yang Nexus adalah abu-abu matt. Dengan Body agak melengkung, seperti pendahulunya tetapi tampaknya meruncing ke bagian bawah, yang membuatnya merasa lebih tipis dari Galaxy Samsung populer S.
Sumber tidak mengatakan apakah telepon itu jelas-jelas berlabel Nexus Dua tetapi dari sisa deskripsi (seperti adanya touchscreen AMOLED 4-inci) membuat kita percaya bahwa Nexus Dua hanya mungkin menjadi satu refresh lurus dari Galaxy S.
Lagi pula, mengapa harus Samsung perubahan formula kemenangan. Ada menghadap depan kamera meskipun, sesuatu bahwa Google tertarik untuk bekerja pada mengingat bahwa Apple sudah memiliki Facetime memimpin pelayanan video-conferencing mobile.
Google Nexus One yang diciptakan bersama HTC cukup sukses. Entah mengapa kali ini Google berpaling pada Samsung. Namun sekali lagi kabar ini belum terbukti kebenarannya, apalagi belum ada konfirmasi baik dari Google atau Samsung. Even Samsung pada 8 November Kita tunggu saja ..
Thursday, October 28, 2010
toodle pip!
Apa Lapangan Kerja Prospek Lulusan Statistika?
Pasti kita sering sekali ditanya orang mengenai lapangan kerja apa nantinya setelah lulus sarjana dari jurusan kuliah kita. Apalagi jurusan yang masih jarang terdengar oleh orang alias masih langka. Gak terkecuali adalah program studiku yaitu STATISTIKA. Seperti pertanyaan; “Itu statistika kalau dah lulus kemana?”, “Nantinya jurusan itu kerja dimana?”, “Lulusan statistika kerjanya pada dimana?”, dan lain sebagainya. Mudah memang bagi kamu yang kuliah di jurusan yang hkhalayak ramai sudah mengerti seperti kedokteran, teknik arsitek, dll. Tapi kalau STATISTIKA masih asing bagi beberapa orang, tentunya untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas perlu penjelasan lebih lanjut.
Terus, kalau diriku sendiri ditanya seperti itu, jawabanku apa? Mudah sekali... sebab STATISTIKA semua bidang bisa! Yah paling dasar orang-orang pada tau apa itu BPS. Tapi gak cuma itu saja, di perusahaan berbagai bidang membutuhkan statistikawan. Kalau penjelasan mengenai lapangan kerja lulusan statistika berikut aku kutip dari website prodi Statistika Undip.
Prospek kerja sarjana Statistika dapat menempati posisi peneliti, CEO serta staff pada bagian Electronic Data Processing, System Analyst, Quality Control, Planning, Controlling and Production, dll. pada berbagai bidang :
1. Lembaga pemerintahan (Depdagri, Diknas, Depkeu, Dephan dll)
2. Sektor industri/jasa keuangan (perbankan, asuransi, bursa saham, BUMN)
3. Industri strategis (PT. PAL, PT.KAI, PT.PLN, PT.GAS, dll)
4. Bidang industri perangkat lunak dan komputer (perancangan sistem,
programming, desain grafis, dll)
5. Bidang industri penerbitan dan percetakan.
6. Industri telekomunikasi (telematika, Telkom)
7. Industri pengolahan data dan informasi (BPS, LSI, Barometer, LRI, dll)
8. Bidang riset dan pengembangan (LIPI, BATAN, LAPAN, BPPR,
Marketing Riset Informasi, dll)
9. Bidang akademik, sebagai dosen di PTN dan PTS terkemuka.
Tuh kan, pada intinya di semua bidang statistika dibutuhkan....
Eitss, sebelumnya aku mau menjelaskan sesuatu. Perihal lapangan kerja. Apakah selalu lulusan sebuah jurusan pasti akan bekerja di bidang jurusan tersebut? Contohnya aku statistika, apakah aku pasti nanti setelah lulus bekerja di tempat yang sesuai dengan statistika? Jawabannya gak selalu!
Ujung-ujungnya emang takdir, semua di tangan Allah. Tapi juga kita harus berusaha. Banyak juga loh, lulusan sebuah jurusan yang pekerjaannya nanti tidak sejalur dengan bidangnya itu. Sebab apa mau dikata, otak kita juga mempengaruhi. Bakat kita dimana juga kadang menjadi hal yang patut diperhitungkan. Oleh itu skill kita lainnya juga harus diasah.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
new myspace headed in the right direction
If you asked anyone about Myspace today, you'd probably hear: trashy, sketchy, people looking for hookups, and music. I know the only reason I ever visit Myspace is because artists link to free tracks on their pages. Because of the simple interface, Facebook isn't a great space for music-sharing and interactive media, enabling Myspace's music division to survive.
Myspace played to its strengths with a complete website redesign, positioning their brand as a "social entertainment destination". Mashable posted some screenshots and videos of their new site. Check out their new promotional video below:
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the new Myspace logo |
...Seriously? What users?
new myspace headed in the right direction
If you asked anyone about Myspace today, you'd probably hear: trashy, sketchy, people looking for hookups, and music. I know the only reason I ever visit Myspace is because artists link to free tracks on their pages. Because of the simple interface, Facebook isn't a great space for music-sharing and interactive media, enabling Myspace's music division to survive.
Myspace played to its strengths with a complete website redesign, positioning their brand as a "social entertainment destination". Mashable posted some screenshots and videos of their new site. Check out their new promotional video below:
![]() |
the new Myspace logo |
...Seriously? What users?
In Times of Unpredictability...
In one day, we may read from one source that the luxury market is improving; yet another will report news of closeouts and bankruptcies. We are living in difficult times and the future of our economy is as predictable as the weather these days here in New York City.
So in order to stay afloat, everyone, from luxury brands to fast retailers are rethinking their game strategies. Today, the on-going trend among luxury brands is mass appeal branding. Just recently, Dallas-based luxury retailer Neiman Marcus opened a new line of outlet stores called Last Call Studio. Specifically located in suburban areas or strip malls that are not outlet centers, the stores will specialize in moderately priced goods aimed at the value-minded shopper who "may not have the reach level to buy the fine apparel that Neiman Marcus offers," says Wanda Gierhart, Neiman's chief marketing officer.
Instead of selling leftover stock from their department store lines, the store will focus on more affordable pieces from their existing lines that they already carry. In addition, they will also stock more heavily from their lower-end lines, bought directly from vendors. Unlike outlet shops, all of their merchandise will be in season and considered "new." And aware of the increase of online-shopping, they also launched an accompanying website earlier this month.
This new strategy is a clear reflection of the post-recession retail world. With an excess of unoccupied store front real estate and most traditional outlet stores having too little clearance merchandise to sell because retailers have cut inventory, Neiman's concept is one that works around today's financial circumstances. It also feeds into a market for the price-conscious shopper who still wants value and quality for their dollar. As much as it is a financial necessity, Neiman's new store concept is a smart response to today's economic situation.
On the other hand, Macy's, a much more mainstream department store, recently joined the bandwagon of designer collaborations with plans to work with London-based designer Kinder Aggugini. The high-low concept is nothing new as H&M, Target, Gap, and Uniqlo have all already been doing such collaborations for years. However, it is a bit surprising that Macy's, a generally conservative department store, is collaborating with Kinder Aggugini, an edgy, rising designer, still relatively unknown in the States.
The collaborative collection plans to be sold at about 250 store locations, with prices ranging from $50 to $300. Attempting to offer more fashionable products, the collaboration hopes to attract more younger and trend-focused customers.
In times like today, brands must be strategic and wise in their decision making process. Even Uniqlo, the Japanese-based fast retailer, which had soaring sales this past year with more than 80 new shop openings since August, are facing financial difficulties. Due to poor product planning and supply chain management and marketing, the company has found itself in a downward slope.
The economy continues to affect the retail industry across all borders, leaving none unscathed. Although there is no bulletproof plan, creativity and smart decision making in a timely fashion proves to be only route for success.
Cari HP harga di BAwah 200 ribu
Ternyata setelah survey dibeberapa tempat Ponsel dibawah Rp 200.000,- banyak diantaranya produk baru milik ESIA bundling seharga 140 ribu dengan bonus pulsa 25 ribu. Sayangnya tidak bisa memakai kartu lain karena nomornya sudah langsung injek (jadi nggak pake SIM CARD).
Ada lagi milih SmartFren dengan harga 195 ribu, bisa radio dan memakai SIM Card... mungkin ini yang menarik dan terlihat modis. Kemudian ada bundling Flexi ZTE seharga 200 ribu, pake Sim Card juga. Jadi bingung juga menentukan pilihan, karena masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. YA itu semua terserah kita deh... mau pilih yang mana....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
...and finally HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Monday, October 25, 2010
the new facebook "groups" is absolutely worthless
Yet here we are, almost 3 weeks after the launch, and the majority of Facebook still hasn't noticed or doesn't understand what's going on. What's weirder is the lack of conversation about how horrible the application really is.
I was excited to see what all the fuss was about and created a group when the app became available (which Facebook users were not notified about, again fostering confusion). I made a group with just my close friends from high school, who didn't understand that the functionality of the "group" application was really any different. They just complained that the interface was ugly, cluttered, and confusing. It's true, the old "groups" was much easier on the eye and served essentially the same purpose.
In addition, the groups are formatted to be opt-out. You're not invited to a group, you're added without your permission and then can chose to remove yourself (it took me a few minutes to find the action for doing this as well). Technically you could be added to the group "I'm a serial killer" and publicly be a member until you logged into your Facebook account, noticed, and then found the tiny link that lets you remove yourself. Where's the exclusivity in getting spammed by all your Facebook "friends"?
The only thing redeeming about the groups app is the "group chat feature", which automatically puts you in a chat room with all the group members. Fun for a group with your five close friends, not so practical for a group with 150 sorority sisters. Especially when there's no way to close the chat. Unless you want to sign off of Facebook chat entirely you're going to get bombarded with endless messages.
The fact is, users can already get the exclusivity that Facebook is shooting for with the applications provided. Old groups can be made secret, users can create message threads with their friends, and chat enables "lists" so users can appear online only to certain people. The only thing they're really adding is the group chat feature, which can easily stand on its own without the group redesign.
I know that whenever Facebook comes out with new formatting people whine and ask for the old Facebook back--but in this case I think the whining is more than justified. Facebook definitely needs to make some changes in the functionality for the new "groups". Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they scrapped the project altogether.
the new facebook "groups" is absolutely worthless
Yet here we are, almost 3 weeks after the launch, and the majority of Facebook still hasn't noticed or doesn't understand what's going on. What's weirder is the lack of conversation about how horrible the application really is.
I was excited to see what all the fuss was about and created a group when the app became available (which Facebook users were not notified about, again fostering confusion). I made a group with just my close friends from high school, who didn't understand that the functionality of the "group" application was really any different. They just complained that the interface was ugly, cluttered, and confusing. It's true, the old "groups" was much easier on the eye and served essentially the same purpose.
In addition, the groups are formatted to be opt-out. You're not invited to a group, you're added without your permission and then can chose to remove yourself (it took me a few minutes to find the action for doing this as well). Technically you could be added to the group "I'm a serial killer" and publicly be a member until you logged into your Facebook account, noticed, and then found the tiny link that lets you remove yourself. Where's the exclusivity in getting spammed by all your Facebook "friends"?
The only thing redeeming about the groups app is the "group chat feature", which automatically puts you in a chat room with all the group members. Fun for a group with your five close friends, not so practical for a group with 150 sorority sisters. Especially when there's no way to close the chat. Unless you want to sign off of Facebook chat entirely you're going to get bombarded with endless messages.
The fact is, users can already get the exclusivity that Facebook is shooting for with the applications provided. Old groups can be made secret, users can create message threads with their friends, and chat enables "lists" so users can appear online only to certain people. The only thing they're really adding is the group chat feature, which can easily stand on its own without the group redesign.
I know that whenever Facebook comes out with new formatting people whine and ask for the old Facebook back--but in this case I think the whining is more than justified. Facebook definitely needs to make some changes in the functionality for the new "groups". Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they scrapped the project altogether.