Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reportages of Balkh region V: Far away from home

Habibullah is curiously listening at the door – he also wants to take part in his mother’s conversation with their guests. The mother says that the oldest son is working in Iran, and the daughter’s family just returned from The United Arab Emirates. To a stranger this household looks like a little peaceful oasis: there are roses and lovely mulberry trees, inviting carpets put out on the veranda. Why do the local inhabitants need to leave this place – it is a peaceful and bountiful place?
A big Balkh river goes through Sholgara village, and there is more than one yield a year. Now in May the crops are being picked. As another crop profitable rice is grown. There is even a forest in the region, which is a rare and beautiful thing in Afghanistan. When the previous years have been dry and rain has been little, then spring 2009 has been very rainy. This year in Afghanistan all the farmers are looking forward to a fine crop. But a lot of rain does not always bring good news. The rains have also caused floods and destroyed homes and fields. At one point it was impossible to get to the village, because the high waters destroyed the bridge.
The floods are not the main cause behind many looking for work in other places than their village. The cause behind this evil is in land ownership – only a fifth of the families here own the land. There is not enough daily work to be found at the land owners. If the family has nothing to sell at the market, or does not teach at the schools, then there is very little chance to find work: try to find road work or try to find work even further, abroad.

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