Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reportages of Balkh region VI: Joy of the game

Childhood in Afghanistan is short, because children start helping their parents at a very young age: they bring water, take care of their younger siblings, and wash the dishes. As the Afghan children have many work responsibilities and few toys, they are very good at utilizing every free moment. One little street girl who sells chewing gum says:” I don't have toys, but sometimes a like jumping around!” And so you find kites flying in the sky made of old plastic bags, little girls chase each other in hidden street corners and in every little open area there are boys kicking a ball around. Not every family can afford to buy a ball but when there is a group of children, one is sure to be found.

Keshendeh village is far and poor; here all the members in a family have to work hard. If in the evenings after work there is time, then school work is allowed. Helping the family is the main priority! The school boys do find time to run around between lessons. They play football and a unique jumping game: they jump on one leg trying to push the others down. The winner is the last one standing.

Although boys and men playing football is a usual site in Afghanistan, girls playing sport is not the case. Only few schools and centers facilitate sports for girls. It is hard to play sports when you are complying with all the regulations: away from sight and completely covered. But the girls enjoy running around just like the boys do. Behind the high walls of Shengan Center for disabled children def girls and boys play against each other in a match of volleyball. Actually the girls have a few male teachers on their side. The girls' shrieks of joy as they try to hit the ball with their henna decorated hands put everyone in a good mood: the children watching bashfully from the side lines or the classroom windows.

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